Writer's Notes' Recognition for September '08 Comments
October 2nd 2008 19:30
September '08 Comment Recognition
I'm honored to once again recognize my valued readers who have left comments at Writer's Notes. To all the special people who have graced this little corner of the blogosphere with your wit and wisdom during the month of September, 2008, "Thank you!" You help to make this blog better! Special thanks, also, to those who commented here for the first time last month! You, too, are truly appreciated!
Thanks, Everyone!
I'm truly grateful for all your thoughtful, wise, inspiring, informative, and incisive comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts, experiences, and support at Writer's Notes! I really enjoy reading your insights, viewpoints, and perspectives! They add so much richness to my own experience! Thanks so much for making September another great month through your valuable input!
September '08 Commenters
The following is a list (in no particular order) of all the wonderful people who have left comments at Writer's Notes during September, 2008:
Brad Shorr, at Word Sell, Inc.
Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye
pay blog review
Cheryl Wright, at Cheryl Wright Writes
Chris Champion, at Vyoos
Amy Derby, at Write From Home
Joanna Young, at Confident Writing
Sharon Hurley Hall, at Get Paid to Write Online
Laura Spencer, at Writing Thoughts
Wilson Pon, at TechnoStuffs
K-IntheHouse, at ShanKri-la
Melissa Donovan, at Writing Forward
Jean Wise, at Kindred Heart Writers
Karen Swim, at Words for Hire
James Chartrand, at Men With Pens
James Rickard, at Angling Fish
Dan C. Rinnert (aka, dcr) , at dcrBlogs
Jean Browman, at Cheerful Monk
Bobby Revell, at Revellian
Joel Ratner (aka, Zirdlander) , at Zirdland.com
Janet Collins, at The Social Critic
Katyzzz, at MS Paint Art
Anonymous commenters during September: 1
Comment left after midnight Australia time on 10/1, which was still 9/30 in the US:
Jarrah, at Back to the Eighties
I Truly Appreciate Your Comments!
Thank you so much, everyone, for making the Writer's Notes conversation so much richer during the past month by visiting and sharing your, insights, opinions, advice, and experiences with us! You add so much value to this blog, and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Many, many thanks,
P.S. If you've commented at Writer's Notes during September, and I've somehow managed to overlook you, please be sure to let me know. I do my best to keep track, but every so often I do slip up. I appreciate every single commenter, and I definitely want to give each of you the recognition you deserve!
Did you enjoy this post? Have anything to add...any insights to share? I'd love to hear your thoughts! After all, your comments are what these monthly recognition posts are all about!
Please note: If the StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking buttons aren't visible, please click the "Add Comments" link beneath this post. Thanks!
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Comment by James Rickard
unlucky_ fishermen.com
Angling Fish
Check this out...
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Happy to have you "shoot off your mouth" here at Writer's Notes!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
It's very kind of you to say that! Thanks, too, for your weekend good wishes! I'm definitely looking forward to a restful weekend. Hope you'll enjoy your--sports-filled--weekend, as well. Can't really say I'd planned to root for either team before receiving your comment, but now it's Cubs all the way! (After all, what are friends for?)
Thanks a bunch for dropping by!
Comment by Lillie Ammann
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by Wilson Pon
Health 2 Know
Adventure Toes
boxing sound
Business Rope
Fun Places 2 Travel
Thanks for included Technostuffs in the list, Jeanne
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I always appreciate your friendly, uplifting comments!
Thanks, again for your welcome input!