Technical Issues: Slow-Loading Blog
July 26th 2011 05:27
My Sincere Apologies!
I really must apologize for how slowly my blog has been loading lately! I'm sure it's been just as frustrating for you as it has for me -- if not more so! I've been doing a bit of investigating/experimenting today to try to figure out what's causing the problem, but so far no luck.
You may notice that I've removed a few widgets from my left sidebar in the hope that doing so might help. But, alas, it didn't make the slightest difference. I've also experimented with various other changes, including
1. Moving my Sites for Writers list (which, after all, is quite a lengthy list of links) out of my sidebar and into a blog post
2. Trying various blog templates
3. Removing Google ads entirely
None of these tactics has worked. So, I've put everything back the way it was before except for the sidebar widgets that I removed. (It really isn't at all surprising to me that these tactics haven't worked, because my blog has been this way for quite some time and I've only just begun having this problem recently.)
Technical Problems: No Fun!
At this point, I'm pretty much at a loss as to how to correct the problem, since I have no idea what the problem is. Since sidebar overloading doesn't appear to be the culprit, I'm not sure what else I can do to correct it. No matter how many items I remove, the blog loads just as slowly. If you have any suggestions for something else I might try, I certainly would appreciate hearing them. However, I suspect that when all is said and done, I'll have to contact Orble Support for help. (I will probably do this tomorrow.) I hope everyone will bear with me until I'm able to get this problem worked out.
Here's hoping that I -- or Orble -- will be able to figure it out soon! Technical issues are no fun for us non-techies! And slow-loading blogs are no fun for anybody!
Thanks for your patience!
Have you had many technical problems with your own blog? How did you solve them?
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Comment by Linda Ruberto
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by Dan Cottone
Good luck with Orble support. I've had at least two emails to them go completely unanswered. The last was about two weeks ago.
And I've had a post I submitted to Writer's Forum say "Awaiting verification" since May 29th.
How about it, everybody else-- Is anybody getting any response about anything?
Comment by Dan Cottone
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Didn't realize you'd just finished posting. Just deleted your duplicate comment and was quite surprised to come back and see a third one!
The Writer's Forum doesn't appear to be current any longer. I guess Orble isn't keeping up with it. Whenever I've sent an e-mail to Orble support in the past though, I've always gotten a reply, so hopefully I will this time as well. It generally takes at least a few days, though. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Not sure why your comment posted twice, but that's been taken care of. Really do appreciate your stopping by!
Thanks again!
Comment by Dan Cottone
Thanks for the feedback on Writer's Forum. Now that you mention it, I haven't seen any new posts (by anybody) there in quite some time.
Also, I neglected to tell you how much I enjoy your comments on writing. I especially liked the one on Manuscript Mechanics. I've always felt a well--placed adjective here and there did a lot to enliven any kind of prose. After all, that's what they're for, isn't it?
I think the advice we hear about not using them is meant more for those novice writers who tend to dump them all over the place indiscriminately in the mistaken hope it will make them sound more "literary," whatever that means. Examples of that kind of feverish over-writing abound and I'm sure you've run across your share too.
As for me, I just try not to have more cliches than a barrel of monkeys.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks so much for your kind words. So glad to hear you're enjoying my posts. Popped in to your blog briefly yesterday and certainly must say I'm quite impressed with your posts, as well. You're a writer/editor after my own heart! (Oops, there goes another one of those pesky cliches!)
Please let me apologize for not leaving a comment on any of your posts (yet). Life's been hectic, but I definitely plan to read more and leave some feedback as soon as I can. Just love your post about a "mute" point! (Will say more when I visit and comment.)
I, too, love the well-placed adjective. However, like you, I dislike indiscriminate adjective dumping. This practice makes it far too easy to use weak, boring nouns.
Thanks for stopping back!
Comment by Anonymous
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Comment by Dan Cottone
Pursuant to our earlier discussion about adjectives, here's the current winner in the Bulwer-Lytton Purple Prose division:
"As his small boat scudded before a brisk breeze under a sapphire sky dappled with cerulean clouds with indigo bases, through cobalt seas that deepened to navy nearer the boat and faded to azure at the horizon, Ian was at a loss as to why he felt blue."
--by Mike Pedersen
North Berwick, ME
Thought you might enjoy.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes