January 27th 2007 14:15
Blog Purpose:
The purpose of Writer's Notes is to help writers follow their dreams through information, inspiration, encouragement, and resources. My goal is to provide as many resources and as much accurate and helpful information and advice as I am able to find or create.
Writer Background:
I am a freelance writer, with a good deal of work of various types either currently appearing or soon to appear in various internet and print venues, including The Absolute Write Newsletter and Work.com. In addition to selling my writing both on my own and through Constant-Content.com, I've done contract writing for Writer's Research Group. To supplement my income, I also occasionally write sponsored reviews on my blog for several companies and participate in a few affiliate programs. I also use my creative gift by volunteering as a writer for my church.
(Please see Writer's Notes' Disclosure Policy, located under Spotlight Posts in the left sidebar, for information about this blog's disclosure practices.)
Contact Info:
You may contact me with writing or editing jobs, affiliate offers, sponsorship offers, requests for paid reviews, comments, or questions, at the following e-mail address: writersnotes@gmail.com . (No attachments, please.)
Thanks so much for reading Writer's Notes!
Jeanne Dininni
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