Fortune-Cookie Tidbits for Writers 2
July 15th 2013 23:36
Fortune Cookie Wisdom, Round 2
My last post discussed one of two fortune-cookie fortunes I received the last time I ordered Chinese food and how that "fortune" could be applied to writing. Here's the second insightful tidbit of writing advice I received that day:
Profound Principle
"Well arranged time is a good sign of a well arranged mind." Such a simple statement and yet so profound! As I'm sure most of us have discovered, whenever we're involved in a creative pursuit, such as writing, arranging our time can be difficult. This is partly because the most effective writing contains an element of inspiration -- a component that's hard to schedule.
Yet, scheduling regular time for writing can in many ways free us to engage our imagination and collaborate more closely with our Muse to create something special. Perhaps it's because making up our minds that this is the time we intend to work puts us into the right frame of mind to receive the inspiration that will infuse our work with creative power.
Dual Application
The whole idea that well-arranged time signifies a well-arranged mind is really a fascinating one because when we approach that thought from another angle, we see that just as a well-arranged mind can lead to well-arranged time, in a very real sense we can also use well-arranged time to help create the well-arranged mind our writing requires.
When we schedule regular time for writing, we release ourselves from the tyranny of the other activities we might involve ourselves in instead. The mere act of setting aside this time exclusively for writing can free us from the pressing responsibilities that might otherwise distract us from our goal and disrupt the orderly flow of ideas we need to express ourselves creatively.
Ready to Give it a Try?
If you don't already do this, why not try it? Experiment with scheduling your writing time, and see if it doesn't help you clear your head, allowing you to temporarily set aside the other duties that can often seem so pressing. See if it doesn't make it easier to arrange your thoughts in the beautiful, systematic, colorful, and creative ways that lead to enhanced self-expression. When you reach this creative plane, where everything seems to naturally fall right into place, this is the point at which you will do your best work.
Here's to well-arranged time -- and a well-arranged mind!
How does the "well-arranged time - well-arranged mind" paradigm work for you?
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