Writing Market: The Sun Magazine
March 18th 2013 20:01
Good Pay for Your Work
I just came across a well-paying venue for writers the other day and thought I'd share it: The Sun Magazine. The magazine pays $300 to $2,000 for essays and interviews, $300 to $1,500 for fiction, and $100 to $500 for poetry. The actual payment amount is determined by the length and quality of the work. Very short works may may pay less. Payment also includes a complimentary one-year subscription to The Sun. The publisher purchases one-time rights, with all other rights reverting to the author after publication. This publisher is willing to consider previously published works, so this is a great opportunity to earn extra money for your already published writing. Compensation for reprints is one-half the usual fee.
The company also purchases photographs and photo essays and pays well for these, too. For details, visit the link above and click the "Photography" tab. If you happen to be a photographer as well as a writer, this market will give you more opportunities to earn by using your creative talents.
The only negative aspect of the above venue, which might hold some writers back, is the fact that submissions must be made the old-fashioned way: by mail, complete with the traditional SASE (stamped, self-addressed envelope) for the return of your manuscript. But, if you can rise above that minor inconvenience, you'll be paid well for quality work. So, it may just prove worthwhile to go to the extra trouble. If your manuscript is accepted, you'll be glad you did!
Response time can be a bit long with this market: three to six months. Since the company discourages simultaneous submissions, the wait could be tough. But, with previously published material at least, what have you got to lose? In fact, even new material would be well worth submitting, despite the time frame, purely because of the amount of compensation offered. This would likely not be the market for newsy or otherwise time-sensitive work, however.
Only you can determine the viability of this market for you, weighing the pros and cons and deciding whether or not they warrant your involvement.
Whatever you do, have a look at this market. It may just turn out to be a lucrative venue for your work!
Good luck!
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