Blog Carnival Feed: Find Blog Carnivals Here
January 27th 2007 14:00
Blog Carnivals: Great Exposure for Your Blog
Since blog carnivals are a wonderful way to get greater exposure for your blog, I want to keep this option available to my readers, so I've decided to place the feed into this post now that I've removed it from my sidebar. The Blog Carnival button can also be found among the other buttons, stat counters, etc. at the top of my left sidebar. It links to the Blog Carnival website. The website is where all the blog carnivals are listed, rather than the limited number found in the feed.
Blog Carnival Feed
Here's the Blog Carnival feed:
Hope you'll find some great carnivals to enter, which will give you one more way to expand your readership and bring more traffic to your blog!
Happy carnival hunting!
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Comment by Michael from Pro Blog Design
Taking your advice, I imagine I will work on changing that soon.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Great to see you! As I see it, we might as well try as many methods as possible for increasing the visibility of our blogs--and, hopefully, with that, their traffic!
I've entered a number of blog carnivals lately, and the practice does seem to be sending more traffic to my site. So, I say, "the more the merrier!"
After all, blog carnival submissions are simply links to posts that are already appearing on your blog! So, why not publicize them! (In some cases you might want to write a post specifically for a particular carnival topic, but very often you'll find that your blog already features content that's appropriate to submit to a carnival or two.) I like to think of it as maximizing my blog's exposure as much as possible!
Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for leaving the first comment on this post, so I don't have to feel so lonely anymore!
Comment by Michael from Pro Blog Design
I think you've just given me my homework for tomorrow!
Thanks again,
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I hope your blog posts will show up in blog carnivals all over the blogosphere!
I think that any effort you put into your "blog carnival homework" will be well worth it!
Thanks for stopping back by to chat!
Comment by Sharon
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
You are so right! I've entered a number of blog carnivals lately, myself. I always figure that it can't hurt! It helps other bloggers who might never find you otherwise to learn about your blog. And, as you say, it helps you to find other great blogs, as well. A winning combination, in my book!
Thanks for the visit, as well as the encouragement!
Take care!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Blog carnivals are a fabulous way to get the word out about your blog--which, incidentally, is delightful! Happy to help point you in that direction!
Haven't checked out the types of carnivals available lately but certainly hope you'll find some suitable ones, because more people need to find out about your blog.
Believe me, I understand how confusing it can be when you see a post listed in the sidebar here at Orble and then realize later that it was someone else's. Orble is a rather diverse blogging community consisting of bloggers who write on highly disparate topics. And if you saw the post about vegetarian recipes in the GoodBlogs widget, that's another very diverse group of bloggers!
TheGoodBlogs might be another great way to get the word out about Kneebiters, as might MyBlogLog--both of which are linked to in my left sidebar.
Best of luck with your blogging!