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Writer's Notes - By Jeanne Dininni

WritersNotes.Net: Helping Writers Follow Their Dreams Through Information, Inspiration, and Encouragement!

Writer's Notes - April 2011

Articles on Writing by Young (and Young at Heart) Writers

Hope, at Funds for Writers is currently seeking young writers 8-21 years old to submit 500-word articles for WritingKid. “Adults who understand kids who write” are also welcome to submit.

Here’s what Hope has to say about this opportunity in an issue of the young writers’ e-zine:

We need guest articles. Have you considered writing a guest article for WritingKid? Are you a student, a parent, a teacher? All are eligible. Just make sure the topic touches upon writing and runs no more than 500-550 words. Those under 16 receive the book of their choice. Those over 16 receive $10-$20, depending on the quality of the piece, the amount of editing required and the obvious amount of research.*

Here’s a link to the latest issue of WritingKid.

Article Topics

According to the job ad, which I found a little over a week ago at but which represents an ongoing opportunity, here’s what Hope is looking for:

The subject may be about anything to do with being a writer, learning how to write or the importance of writing. Talk about what you like about writing or someone who impacted your writing. Who is your favorite writer and why? What do you plan to do with your writing? What experiences have you had that molded you as a writer?

The WritingKid E-Zine

Young writers will want to check out WritingKid regularly – not just for the insightful articles it contains, which can help inform, inspire, and jump-start their own creative process – but also for the great list of writing markets and contests specifically targeting young people that Hope lists in every issue. WritingKid is published bi-weekly at FFW.

Here’s a link to the WritingKid Archives to give you even greater inspiration and more numerous writing resources.

Give WritingKid a Try

If you’re a young writer who enjoys writing on any of the above topics, or an adult who possesses considerable insight into what it’s like to be a “writing kid,” give this market a try. It might just prove a most rewarding venue for your work!

Best of Luck,

*The ad itself says that payment per article is $10-25 for writers 16 and over.

If you are a young writer – or an adult with a young writer’s heart – what are your thoughts on this venue? Anything you especially like about it? Any snags you’ve encountered? Do you know of any other markets where young writers can submit their work and earn money doing it?

Note: If the above job ad should be unavailable by the time you read this post, use this link to the FFW Submissions page to access the site's writer's guidelines and submission details. This is an ongoing market.


500-600 Word Articles About Earning Money Writing

Hope at Funds for Writers is looking for short articles for the FundsforWriters newsletter. (Found this ad at a few days ago, but I imagine it will be an ongoing market.) Wanted to share this ad because it sounds like a great opportunity to sell a few articles -- either new ones or reprints that you may have lying around waiting for a home.

I was a bit disappointed when I realized that the reprints I'd hoped to sell to FFW were much longer than the ones Hope is looking for, but if I can manage to find the time to write a few new ones (which shouldn't take too long at the length she's seeking), I definitely plan to keep this great market in mind.

A Few Important Details

Hope is offering $45 for unpublished pieces and $15 for reprints, and is happy to let you reuse the piece 30 days after she publishes it. Payment is timely (within one week of submission for accepted articles). However, do be sure to visit the link above and carefully read what she's looking for (and what she isn't) so you can properly target the piece to this market. One reason I say to carefully read what she's looking for is because FFW doesn't focus on writing technique as many other writing-related sites do but rather on the various ways that writers can earn funds writing, the markets that buy their work, their success stories, their tips for winning contests -- or, as she puts it, "anything to help a writer make a dollar penning words."

Submission-Related Matters

Another reason to read her info carefully is because she includes some very specific details about how to submit your work for the best chance of gettng it read and seriously considered for publication in FFW.

Hope accepts either queries or manuscripts (via e-mail -- no attachments). And, though I've linked to the job ad in this post (an ad which was posted to a third-party site), this is a direct-contact writing gig. You will be able to e-mail Hope directly with your article or query, rather than releasing it into the great black hole of a Craigslist mailbox, never to be heard of again.

So, take a good look at Hope's ad. If you enjoy writing about the business end of writing, this market may just prove to be one that's perfect for you -- one that will help you earn some extra funds for your writing by helping other writers earn some extra funds for theirs.

Happy submitting!

What sort of writing do you prefer to focus on? Would this be a market that might appeal to you?

Note: If the above job ad should be unavailable by the time you read this post, use this link to the FFW Submissions page to access the site's writer's guidelines and submission details.


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