Need to Sell Your Old Cell Phone? Compare Your Options
February 18th 2011 02:49
Got Cell-Phone Clutter?
Writers, like practically everyone else in today’s world, depend on their cell phones to do many things. Depending on how busy we are, how much wear and tear our phones get, and how many features we may need as our businesses grow, we usually find ourselves deciding to upgrade – or just replace – our hard-working cell phones eventually.
If you’re anything like me, when you do decide to buy a new cell phone, you end up with not just one, but two cell phones – one in almost-constant use and the other lying around the house taking up space and creating clutter. Some people recycle their old cell phones. Others donate them to organizations that send them to soldiers overseas or give them to needy people at home. And I certainly wouldn’t want to imply that these aren’t good ways of disposing of a cell phone we no longer use.
Mini Cash-Flow Fix
But, those of us who have a cell phone or two lying around the house gathering dust, while we sit here waiting for the next freelance writing check to come in, sometimes need to look for creative ways to bring in a few extra bucks. One way we can do that is by selling that cell that’s sitting unused in a drawer. I know it’s only a temporary – and very small – fix to the freelancer’s frequent cash-flow problem, but it could just help a little while also encouraging us to get rid of an item we no longer need.
I have to admit that the option of selling my old cell phone has never really seemed worth the trouble to me (which is one reason I ended up giving my last one away). But, hearing about the sell cell phone site, a price-comparison website that makes it easy to find the best buy-back deal for a used cell phone, makes it seem as if it might just pay off -- even if in just a small way. I’m certainly under no grand illusions about the amount of money I can bring in this way (particularly with the conventional, low-tech cell phone models I buy). But, anything is better than nothing, and I think most people would do much better than I, since practically everyone owns a fancier model than I do.
Have a Look
While I’ve never actually used the service personally, it does appear to be pretty comprehensive. Here's a link to the site's How it Works page. Have a look. Maybe it will turn out to be worth your while. If not, all you've spent is a bit of your time. In fact, it won't even cost you anything to use the service. You'll also get free shipping from the company you decide to sell your phone to -- and apparently, even broken cell phones bring up to 90% of their value. Sounds like there isn't too much to lose.
Till next time,
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