Opportunity: Write Stories or Essays on Digital Ethics
February 16th 2011 22:07
A Solid Writing Opp for a Prestigious Website
I came across the following freelance writing opportunity on several different job boards today and wanted to share it with you for several reasons:
1. It's not your average, run-of-the-mill writing opp. It's interesting and different.
2. If this type of writing interests you (or you happen to be especially good at it), you can earn quite a decent return for your efforts.
3. You'll be writing for a prestigious university website, which can only enhance your writing portfolio.
4. Writing on this topic for this website will help you establish yourself as a credible authority on serious Internet-related topics.
5. This is a direct-contact job opportunity, rather than one that provides a Craigslist e-mail address or some such temporary contact info that often expires before you've even had a chance to inquire about the position.
6. It appears likely that a writer who is competent in writing about this topic will find ongoing work in this market.
The Gig
Stories and essays on Digital Ethics
The Center for Digital Ethics and Policy at Loyola University Chicago is looking for pieces on digital ethics. The length of the piece should be 1,000-2,000 words. The material must be original, not published in other forms or in other forums. We will pay $250 for a completed piece. Pieces will be published on the center’s web site, digitalethics.org.
To begin send a short pitch; including the topic, a brief outline of main points, and sources you will use, include also a paragraph on your background and experience. We will review the proposal and proceed from there.
Send your ideas to contact@digitalethics.org.
The Center for Digital Ethics and Policy at Loyola University Chicago is looking for pieces on digital ethics. The length of the piece should be 1,000-2,000 words. The material must be original, not published in other forms or in other forums. We will pay $250 for a completed piece. Pieces will be published on the center’s web site, digitalethics.org.
To begin send a short pitch; including the topic, a brief outline of main points, and sources you will use, include also a paragraph on your background and experience. We will review the proposal and proceed from there.
Send your ideas to contact@digitalethics.org.
Good luck!
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I agree! This website pays a fair price for the work it purchases, which makes it a viable market for the writer who can write clear, compelling, and authoritative content on the topic of digital ethics -- a very pertinent topic for the online writer, in fact.
Hope you'll consider submitting!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes