International Freelancers Day Videos Available Free Online through October
October 1st 2010 04:28
Conference Videos Available Free Online
Watch First Three Without Registering
If you weren't able to attend the International Freelancers Day Conference online last weekend, I have great news for you: You can still view the high-quality conference video presentations online completely free through October 31st. By visiting the following link, you'll be able to view three of the videos without even having to register: IFD Introductory Videos.
The introductory videos include the following:
Facebook Marketing Success Secrets for Solo Professionals, presented by the Queen of Facebook, Mari Smith
How to Trigger The Big 5 Subsconscious Buy-Buttons Without Feeling Like A Slick Idiot, presented by Jonathan Fields
How To Build Your Business By Creating Your Own Smarter, Faster, Cheaper Web TV Show, presented by David Siteman Garland
Register Free to Access All 24 Presentations
These three videos are but a small taste of the 24 incredibly informative sessions presented during the two-day conference, and once you've seen them, I'm sure you'll want to check out the other 21.You will, in fact, be able to view the rest (and even watch the first three again if you'd like) completely free by simply completing your free registration on the International Freelancers Day website where you watched the first three.
To give you an idea of the wealth of information in store in the other videos, the titles of all remaining videos are posted to the page on which you view the first three. You're sure to find many intriguing topics on that list, so why not stop by the site at the above link and take a look at it. I'm sure that once you read those titles, you'll realize how much value they can potentially add to your freelance business.
Videos Available Free for a Limited Time
Since these videos will only be available through October, and there are 24 of them, each containing a ton of valuable information, I'd like to encourage you not to wait too long to take advantage of the opportunity to access them. If you're serious about freelancing, you'll probably want to take notes as you watch -- particularly since you won't be able to refer back to them after the end of October. You may even decide to watch some of them more than once while you can. Each of these videos presents helpful strategies for freelance success, as well as links to numerous resources that can help make life easier for you as you run your freelance business.
If, like me, you realize you need all the help you can get to succeed as a freelancer, hurry over to the International Freelancers Day website, via the link in the first paragraph of this post, and take advantage of this great opportunity to learn all about freelancing from the experts -- completely free of charge.
It's a deal that's tough to beat!
To your freelance success,
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