Google Page Rank--At Last!
October 30th 2007 23:46
A Long-Awaited Day!
Writer's Notes finally achieved Google Page Rank today! After nine months, Google has assigned my blog a PR of 3. While I'm a trifle disappointed that my initial PR isn't higher (since my page rank at the next Google update had been predicted to be around 5 based on the number of backlinks to my blog), I'm very pleased to have Google Page Rank at all--and, putting things in the proper perspective, an initial Google PR of 3 really isn't bad at all.
I'd been avidly checking my Google PR widget on my blog for the past few days, after hearing from other bloggers whose PRs were increased that Google was indeed in the middle of its long-awaited update. But, the ironic thing is that it wasn't until I visited the PayPerPost website to check on an opportunity that had been e-mailed to me--and that I at first thought I wouldn't qualify for because it required a PR of 1-2--that I learned that my PR was actually 3! (Thanks, PayPerPost for making me aware of that happy fact!)
Higher Page Rank = Better Paid Posting Opps
Aside from all the other benefits of Google Page Rank, I'm very pleased to know that I will now qualify for more--and better--posting opps at PayPerPost, as well as at the other paid-to-post sites for which I write (Smorty, ReviewMe, and Sponsored Reviews). So, if you're a blogger or a writer who has a website, check to see whether your own Google Page Rank has been updated yet; and if you write for any of the paid-to-post sites, you may just find that you qualify for higher-paying opps than you did previously!
If you don't yet write for any of these sites, but would like to do so now that your PR has increased, why not apply? It can be a way to pick up a few extra dollars to supplement your other writing income. Some writers actually make very good money writing sponsored posts.
PayPerPost Blogger Signup Form
Here's a link to the PayPerPost Blogger Signup Form which I have posted here at Writer's Notes. (Yes, I will receive a referral fee 30 days after your first approved post has been written; but I hope you'll have no objection to this, since you, too, will be able to earn referral fees through helping other bloggers make money writing sponsored posts for PPP once you've joined!)
Links to Other Paid-to-Post Websites
Here are links to the other sites where you can be paid to post product, service, and/or website reviews to your blog:
-Sponsored Reviews
Check them out, if you think you might be interested in this opportunity to earn extra income via your blog now that your Google Page Rank has increased--or even if it hasn't. Your blog will, of course need to be OK'd by these sites prior to your becoming one of their official paid-to-post bloggers; but that shouldn't be too difficult. Just follow any criteria you know they require in order for you to qualify and you should be OK.
Blog Page Rank vs. Individual Post Page Rank
I just discovered today that there is a difference between the overall PR of your blog and the PR of your individual posts. (No doubt many other bloggers have known this fact for ages, but I'm still learning!) While my overall PR is 3, I've found numerous posts on my blog that rank 1 or 2 and quite a significant number that rank 0--which I found quite interesting. In fact, some of those that I was sure would rank higher not only didn't but actually didn't rank at all, and some that I thought wouldn't rank did. Google Page Rank is a fascinating topic!
Congrats to All Who Have Either Achieved or Increased their Google Page Rank!
If you've just achieved Google Page Rank for the very first time, Congratulations! That's very exciting and should open new doors of opportunity for you! If you've increased your PR since the last Google update, Congratulations go out to you, as well! All your hard work has paid off! Keep up the excellent work and who knows how far you'll go from here! If you're still waiting to hear how the results of the latest update affect your blog, I wish you the best and hope you'll have page rank or higher page rank very soon!
Best wishes to bloggers everywhere!
*Note: If you're so inclined, you may use my Smorty referral ad, which I've placed in my sidebar, when signing up to blog at Smorty. (I'll receive a referral fee here, as well--a small percentage of the money you earn for your approved posts. And, here again, you'll also be able to refer others once you've joined, earning referral fees of your own.)
This is not a sponsored post.
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Comment by AmyHuang
Project Job Search
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
If you'd like to find out your Google Page Rank, click on the PR widget near the top of my left sidebar (right above the "Get Clicky" widget). You'll be taken to a website that will calculate your page rank for you once you've entered your blog's URL.
You'll also be able to get the code you need to put the PR checker widget on your own blog while you're there, if you want to. (And, by the way, putting this widget into your sidebar rather than into a blog post will not only give you your blog's overall PR--when you visit your blog's home page--but it will also give you the PR of your individual blog posts whenever you click the title linking to the post you want to display. At least that's what appears to be happening on my blog since I achieved Google Page Rank earlier today.)
Hope that helps!
Comment by Sharon Hurley Hall
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Writer's Notes has been on its own domain since May 18th (almost 5-1/2 months now). Hadn't really considered differentiating between pre- and post-WritersNotes.Net. But, prior to moving to the new domain, Writer's Notes had been a sub-domain of Now that I think about it, traffic has picked up since the move; so I'm sure that has helped me to achieve a PR of 3. I'm very glad you've achieved PR 3, as well!
Best of luck in the future!
Comment by Lynn Smythe
The Pagan Path
I Love Herbs
Congratulations of the success with your Writer's Notes blog. Fantastic site - lots of great information!
How do you add the Stats & Directories section and the code for google page rank to your blog? Do you add a new category for Stats & Directories? Then do you add the code google page rank gives you as a regular post?
I'm brand new to Orble so I haven't added any categories to my sites. I just started the I Love Herbs blog about a month ago so it will be awhile before it gets ranked on google. But Orble gave it it's own domain just a few days after I started it - cool beans!
I also took over The Pagan Path blog a couple of weeks ago. This blog has been inactive since May but there were only 4 posts from the previous blogger. I was surprised when I checked the page rank and it's a 3 - woohoo!!
Comment by Anonymous
Comment by Lynn Smythe
The Pagan Path
I Love Herbs
Lynn's Associated Content page
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Welcome to Orble! It's great to meet you! I appreciate your congratulations on my PR, and I'm glad you've inherited a PR 3 on one of your blogs, as well! It shouldn't take you as long to get PR for your I Love Herbs blog, though, as it took me with Writer's Notes, as long as you work at it. I began blogging at Orble at the end of January and wasn't offered a domain blog until the middle of May. So, you've got a head start!
As far as how to add the Stats & Directories section to your sidebar (which, incidentally, doesn't have to be called that but can have any title you want it to have), you'll find information at the Writer's Forum on how to do that. And Jon will be happy to explain anything to you that you may not understand, if you just leave a comment on the post.
Jon also recently started a new site called Blog Advisor where you'll also learn how to do many of the things you'll need to know to make the best of your blogs. (You'll find both Writer's Forum and Blog Advisor listed in the right--Orble--sidebar.) If I can manage to find the time later--and also locate the recent message I sent to a few other bloggers who asked that question--I'll send you a private message with that info; but in the meantime, check out the Writer's Forum. That's where I learned how to do it.
As far as the PR widget goes, once you've learned to put things into your sidebar, you'll be able to get the code for the widget and put that in there along with anything else you'd like to add.
Best of luck to you, and thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I do use the www in my blog's domain. I just didn't add it to my profile at the very top of my blog, because my main concern was that people remember that my blog is ".Net" and not ".Com." (There's actually another website with the same name as my blog that uses ".Com," so I wanted to be sure that was clear.)
Thanks for inviting me to Associated Content! I actually had my first piece published at AC on January 1st of this year--even before I began blogging. I have quite a few articles there--including pieces that have been posted to my blog--and as Lynn mentions, it's great to now be able to collect the performance bonus on those articles.
The only thing is that now AC pays less for articles than they used to, and I think they often turn down articles for up-front payment now that they would have purchased in the past. But, I suppose it all balances out in the end. (I've actually earned close to $2.00 just since my last performance bonus was paid out, which was only two weeks ago. While that's a modest amount of cash, I've already been paid for much of the work I have posted to the site, so it's extra.)
Thanks for the AC referral link! Maybe one of my readers will want to use it to join!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I began publishing my work at Associated Content on the first of this year, and I agree that it's great to collect the performance bonuses!
Thanks for the link to your AC Content Producer Page! Here's a link to mine: Jeanne's AC Content Producer Page. I'll have to check out your articles when I have more time. They look really interesting!
Take care!
Comment by Anonymous
Congratulations on your page rank!
A word of caution: be very cautious about doing paid reviews. I was penalized heavily by Google for paid reviews and I only did five!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
That's very interesting. How did you know that paid reviews were the reason for the penalty? Did Google tell you that?
There was a point, when I first started doing paid posts, where I did quite a few rather close together. I wonder if that could be the reason I didn't receive the PR 5 that was predicted for Writer's Notes--or even a PR 4.
I haven't done many paid posts lately, but now that I have Google Page Rank, I actually qualify for more opps, so I may do more in the future. Guess I'll just have to let Google tend to their business while I tend to mine! Everyone needs to make a few dollars here and there!
Thanks for the info!
Comment by Harry
Sydney Diary
Brisbane Diarystar
Zoo Parent
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for your confirmation of Laura's warning! I appreciate it! That's tough, though, for those who need the income that sponsored posts provide.
I always try to make my sponsored posts relevant and interesting to my readers, which is why I've had as many as three of them in my top ten list of popular posts at the same time. One of my sponsored posts actually made it to No. 6 of All Posts at Orble, which is unusual for a paid post. (That same post made it to No. 1 in the Writing category and held that spot for a few days.)
But, I guess Google will do what Google wants to do, since they hold all the cards where page rank is concerned. It may come down to whether or not bloggers are willing to claim control of their blogs, running them as they see fit and possibly sacrificing some Google PR in the process. Every blogger will need to decide for him- or herself whether or not the trade-off is worth it.
Thanks for your input!
Comment by Lynn Smythe
The Pagan Path
I Love Herbs
Thank you for all your help. I finally figured out how to add stuff to my blog sidebar after reading the message you sent me - cool beans! You're the greatest
Take care,
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by krissy knox
Anyway, congrats on your PR!
Take care!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Great to see you! PR 4 isn't bad at all! (It's a ranking of 4 out of a possible 10.) The higher your page rank, the more traffic will be sent to your blog from the search engines when people search for information online. If you were allowed to advertise on your blog, it would also command higher ad prices. Sorry you aren't able to put the PR widget on your blog.
Thanks so much for your congratulations on my new page rank! Congrats to you, too, on your PR 4 ranking! (Is that a new page rank you've received just since the recent Google update?)
Hope you'll stop by again!
Comment by krissy knox
BTW, I was just able to add the PR widget to my blog. It was another widget that wasn't supported. I am not sure if this is a new ranking or not, because I just checked it for the first time last night! Thank you for showing it to me. I don't know what I am going to use it for, but I love having new and fun widgets in my journal!
Ugh, when I added that widget I inadvertantly erased one of my Technorati widgets. Now I am off to try to put it back in! Technorati is another subject. I have drastically fallen in it's rating. My ranking is now only 47. Down from about 70 or 80 I think. This is b/c I had a family crisis (my husband had cancer and a bone marrow transplant in 2006) and I couldn't blog for much of a year, or longer. Well, it was on again, off again blogging. Question for you. Do you think much traffic comes from technorati search engines? I used to search on them. I wonder if others do. Thanks for considering answering my question. Now off to try to retrieve that pesky widget...
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad you've managed to add the PR widget to your blog--but sorry you lost another one in the process! Hope you've got all that squared away by now.
Unfortunately, Technorati can be a bit tough on bloggers who don't update often enough and/or who don't continually acquire new backlinks to their sites. Sorry you had to learn this as a result of what I'm sure was already a trying time for both you and your husband! I, too, learned how quickly--and how far--Technorati ranking can drop even after a break of only five days! (I've written about my experience in my post, Preferred Posting Frequency and Technorati Ranking.)
I'm afraid I really don't know much about Technorati search traffic. I'd have to go back in and study all my stats from various sources to see what I could find out. I do know, though, that yesterday, of 250 unique visitors, I only had one visit from the Technorati website, and that wasn't even listed as a search. If I find out any more about this topic, I'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, if anyone else knows anything about this subject, perhaps they'll share their knowledge with us.
Thanks for stopping by again!
Comment by Hotel Mark
Regarding payperposts, I also use Blogvertise, perhpas that one has limitations, regarding the opportunities, but it's easier to get in. Review me for example, is impossible unless your blog has been around for many months.
Great post. Regards, Mark.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Current page rank can be checked by clicking the PR widget near the top of my left sidebar, which will take you to a site where you can enter your blog's URL and have your PR calculated.
Possible future page rank can be predicted by going to the iWebtool site and using the PR prediction tool; but these tools are not always very accurate. A while back this tool predicted that my blog's PR would be 5 after the next Google update, but it was only ranked PR 3 during the recent update. There were also times when the tool said I had insufficient backlinks, which wasn't true. It's difficult to say how long it will be before Google updates again.
I've just joined Blogsvertise, myself, but I haven't been given any assignments, yet, other than the initial write-up of Blogsvertise that I had to post to have my blog approved. So far, I've only been assigned one review by ReviewMe, one by Sponsored Reviews, and a few by Smorty, though I've completed quite a few posts for PayPerPost. Sometimes it's tough to get in, but just keep working to make your blog the best it can be, follow their requirements, and eventually you should be able to get in.
Good luck!