Has Your Google PR Changed Since the Last Update? Find Out!
May 3rd 2008 22:23
An Unexpected Change in Google PR
I just learned today that, after losing my PR 3 during the last Google PR update and going down to PR 0 (presumably due to posting sponsored content), my blog is now PR 2. I learned this quite by accident while checking the number of backlinks to my blog. This was quite a surprise to me, since I wasn't aware that changes in Google PR occurred outside the times during which official Google PR updates are in progress--a very pleasant surprise--despite the low PR 2. (After all, PR 2 certainly beats PR 0.)
Use This Tool to Find Out Whether Your PR Has Changed
Just in case your PR may also have changed since the last Google update, I've decided to offer this PR checker tool here at Writer's Notes to make it easy for you to check:
Check Page Rank of any web site pages instantly: |
This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service |
A Link to This Tool Will Remain in My Sidebar
I'll also be placing a link to the tool in my sidebar for your convenience, in case you'd like to check your PR periodically while visiting my blog. You'll find this link in my Spotlight Posts section, where I place links to various helpful information, such as my About page, my blog's Awards page (for anyone who may be interested), my Pillar Posts page (where my blog's most helpful posts are listed by category to help you more easily locate them), and the Blog Carnival Feed (where you'll find a continually updating list of blog carnivals).
Hope you'll find this PR checker tool helpful--and also hope you'll find that your Google PR is higher now than it was the last time you checked!
Till next time,
Did you enjoy this post? Find it helpful? Have you discovered any recent change in your own Google PR? If so, I'd be very interested to hear about it--as well as any other thoughts you may have on Google PR, whether or not your PR has changed!
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Comment by cherylwright
This PR Tool is pretty cool. i just checked and my blog's PR is 3.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
That's great to hear! I, too, had a page rank of 3 for about a month, late last year, and then, during the Google PR update, I lost it. At the time, I was writing quite a bit of sponsored content, so the assumption is that that was the reason; though many bloggers who didn't write sponsored content also lost page rank, so it's difficult to be certain.
Based on the number of backlinks to my blog, I've been told it should be PR 5 or PR 6, but who can really know what Google is thinking! Guess I'll just have to play the waiting game, providing the best content I can and letting Google "up" my PR when it's good and ready!
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. Why not put the PR widget on your blog and display your PR for your readers?
Comment by tlcorbin
Coffee Quip
A Global Citizen
Paranormal Paranormal
Is Why
Alaska Chronicle
Sleezer's World
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I was really surprised to learn that my PR had changed during a non PR-update period. Glad I found out though--as I can tell you are, too!
Glad the tool has been useful!
Comment by Michele L.
Thanks for letting us know! I was quite surprised to find that my PR is two. Now, considering that it was ZERO for quite a while, I'm tickled pink.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
That's good news! Congratulations!
Definitely wanted to share that bit of info, since I was very surprised myself to learn of my unexpected rise in PR. I had the feeling many others would find the same. Let's hope for more Google PR upswings to come!
Thanks for dropping by!
P.S. Sorry I didn't comment on your blog when I stopped by last night. I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open! The food photos sure looked scrumptious, though! I agree that it's important to feed the body healthy foods to keep both mind and body in optimal shape for writing! After all, writers have to eat, too!
Comment by Michele L.
Don't worry about not commenting. I've been over here a few times without commenting too. Sometimes we're just too tired or someone calls us away from the computer, etc., and for one reason or another we end up not commenting. Not a huge deal, you know. Our silence doesn't mean anything bad, just how it goes sometimes.
Take care and eat healthy! Thanks for the compliments on my recent posts. It sure is easy for a writer to sip a nutritious smoothie or have some yogurt. Simple (and healthful!) meals you can have while you write!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for your understanding! I usually have so many things going on at once that it's incredible--and I suspect I'm not the only writer/blogger who does!
I love yogurt! Used to make my own, but haven't done so in quite some time! Love smoothies, too! Both very, very healthy (or healthful)!
Stay well!
Comment by Lynn Smythe
The Pagan Path
Freelance Online Work
I Love Herbs
Here's the PR of some of my sites. The first 3 are on Orble.
I Love Herbs = 3
The Pagan Path = 3
Freelance Online Work = 3
These 3 sites are on blogger/blogspot. The two with NA are so new they aren't even ranked by Google yet.
Herbal Apothecary = 3
Charity Fitness Events = NA
Freelance Writer Lynn Smythe - NA
This one is with WebbleYou and gets quite a bit of traffic. Not sure why it's PR is 0. But it's only been up since January so maybe that's why.
Bike Diva = 0
This one isn't actually a blog. It is the main page for Herbs & Spices on Suite101. I am the feature writer for Herbs & Spices and am responsible for maintaining the page, adding blogs, feature articles, etc...
Herbs & Spices = 5
This last one is my newest blog which I started with Today.com. Brand new, only a couple of weeks old, only a few posts on it so far. So Google doesn't know that it even exists.
Herb Gardens = NA
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for sharing the PR of your various sites with us! Looks as if you're doing quite well! (But, how on earth do you handle writing so many blogs?! While I write a lot of other types of content, I only have one blog--and I'm still having trouble keeping up with it lately because of my other writing projects!)
Best wishes for higher and higher PR!
Comment by Anonymous
<a Really Long Link Ranks</a>
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
For some reason the IZEA RealRank is extremely inaccurate for Writer's Notes--and I've written to them about this in the past.
Every time I've checked, my blog's page views and unique readers were more than ten times what IZEA had ranked them as (and sometimes well above that). I'm not sure why their calculations are so far off the mark, but Orble sends me a stats e-mail for my blog every day, so I have a more accurate picture of my blog's readership/traffic than IZEA (PPP) does.
Here's an example: I just received my latest stats e-mail from Orble which indicates that, over the past 24 hours, my blog has had 252 unique readers and 1694 hits. Over the past week, my blog has averaged 276 unique readers and 1657 hits per day. This is compared to IZEA's reporting of 24 unique readers and 75 hits per day over the past week. That's quite a big difference!
This is one of the reasons I've become a bit disillusioned with PPP. Even though my RealRank is inaccurately low, it seriously limits the opps I qualify for. This is partly why I've virtually stopped writing sponsored content.
I appreciate your pointing out this PR alternative, but I couldn't measure the value of my blog by using IZEA's RealRank--at least not while it's this inaccurate. Maybe once they've worked the kinks out and their analytics begin working correctly for my blog, that will change. (Of course, it's possible that the Orble platform simply isn't totally compatible with the RealRank system and thus doesn't provide an accurate reading with their software.)
For the time being, I'll stick with Google PR--though I don't even depend on that to determine my blog's real value. For one thing, judging by the number of backlinks Writer's Notes has and its often-high position in search results, I think PR 2 is a bit low. And for another, value is really so much more than any of the above numbers can capture, anyway.
Great to see you, Cindy! Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. I've been so incredibly busy lately!