Please Visit My June Guest Posts, Appearing at Selected Locations Around the Blogosphere!
June 3rd 2008 21:33
Two Fantastic Sites That Are Hosting My Work
Just wanted to share with my Writer's Notes readers that I have two guest posts appearing so far during the month of June: one at Writing the Cyber Highway and one at Writer's Resource Center.
Writing the Cyber Highway: A Favor Returned
One guest post is already up at Michele Tune's blog, Writing the Cyber Highway.
Here's the link:
Motivation to Write: Is There a Magic Formula?
I've really enjoyed writing this post on motivation for Michele, who so kindly came to my rescue a while back when I was ill, penning a wonderful guest post here at Writer's Notes without even being asked to do it. That's just the kind of blogger--and person--Michele is! That's why I'm so happy to reciprocate. (See Michele's guest post here: That's What Bloggers Are For.)
If you ever have trouble motivating yourself to write, you might just want to follow the above link and check out the lessons I've learned about this topic that's so critical to the success of every writer. Hope you'll enjoy reading this piece as much as I've enjoyed writing it. And hope you'll get lots of new ideas about how to discover--or generate--new motivation for all your writing projects!
Writer's Resource Center (aka PoeWar): An Opportunity to Help Out
My second guest post is scheduled to run tomorrow, June 4th, at John Hewitt's Writer's Resource Center.
Update: It's now June 4th and the post is up, so here's the link:
7 Secrets to a Striking Essay
This post presents seven helpful essay-writing techniques that are applicable to many other types of writing, as well. I hope you'll enjoy it--and even more so that you'll get something of value from reading it.
I wrote this post in response to a request by John for enough guest posts to run through the month of June to help him take a much needed month-long vacation. I was honored that, in addition to his general call for guest posts, John also sent me an e-mail inviting me personally to submit a post. (How could I refuse?) Seriously, though, I'd already planned to submit a post but really appreciated John's reminder. It's definitely an honor to have my work appearing at John Hewitt's Writer's Resource Center!
WRC Post Involves a Contest With an Impressive Grand Prize!
What makes this WRC "gig" even more special, though, is that John is offering a $250 prize to the writer whose guest post receives the most traffic during the first week it graces his site! That's definitely a prize worth pursuing--even if I would have submitted a guest post anyway! So, I'd like to ask my readers to stop by WRC to check out my post--even if you aren't that interested in essay writing--though I promise that you will take home some helpful tips for other types of writing, as well. (And don't forget to tell your friends! I need all the help I can get! In fact, a Stumble wouldn't hurt, either (wink, wink), if you really like my article--or if you just want to be nice. I would be forever grateful. Certainly hope you will like my post, though.)
WRC Consolation Prize Is Generous, As Well
John is also offering a $50 prize in a random drawing he'll hold to determine which lucky guest blogger among all those who have responded to his call for vacation relief will receive the "consolation" prize. The two monetary prizes John is offering are more than generous and have certainly provided a wonderful incentive for bloggers to participate. It will definitely be fascinating to see who wins them! Of course, it would be even more fascinating to be who wins (one of) them! Time alone will tell who the two lucky winners will be!
Stay Tuned for John Hewitt's Guest Post Here at Writer's Notes
John has also graciously offered to write a reciprocal guest post here at Writer's Notes as soon as he's able--so we've all got a treat in store after John's vacation ends. I know he's a busy man, however, and certainly don't want to put any undue pressure on him. Though it's difficult to wait, I'm sure we can all be patient until John gets back into the swing of things in July and manages to find a bit of extra time to write a guest post especially for us! I know it will be well worth the wait!
Hope you'll visit my guest posts!
P.S. I haven't forgotten my comment recognition post this month, but have simply been so busy that I haven't gotten to it yet. (Would have posted it today, but wanted to announce my guest post at Writer's Resource Center, since it's set to go live tomorrow, as well as my guest post that went live yesterday at Writing the Cyber Highway. Hope everyone will forgive me for being so late with my thanks! I'll do my best to get that post up tomorrow. I'll also resume my Guide to Polished Writing series soon after. Thanks for your understanding!)
Did you enjoy this post? Have anything to add? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Comment by Michele L.
Thank you for writing such an amazing guest post! I'm so honored by your kind words, your awesome talent, and your willingness to share it with my readers! Your enthusiasm for writing (and life!) are simply infectious!
I feel horrible because I haven't visited here as often as I'd like lately and have commented even less.
Thanks so much for allowing my readers the opportunity to glean from your wisdom. We do appreciate it!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks so much for saying so many kind things about my guest post--and about me! That's very sweet of you. I'm more than happy to pass on some of the life lessons and writing insights I've picked up along the way with you and your readers.
So glad to hear that I completed my guest post at just the time you needed it most! Since that's the same thing you did for me when I was sick, I'm so happy I could return the favor--even though I didn't realize at the time I submitted it that my timing was quite that good! It makes me feel great that I was able to give you a bit of a breather, and I hope the respite will renew, refresh, and remotivate you!
Please think nothing at all of the fact that you've been too busy to visit or leave comments as often as you'd like. Believe me, I understand completely because I'm going through the exact same thing myself right now! I've had a really tough time visiting any of my favorite blogs lately--and leaving comments almost seems to be a thing of the past. I, too, feel bad about this; but when one is extremely busy, one doesn't have much choice. A person can only do so much.
No worries! Relax and enjoy your rest--on me!
Comment by Lillie Ammann
You're a busy little bee! I don't do a good job of keeping up with my own blog so I admire your ability to turn out guest posts as well as all your paid work and your own blog. I wrote a guest post at Poewar because, like you, John e-mailed me, but I'm behind on my own posting schedule.
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Michele L.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Guest blogging will do that to you! Though often it can be difficult to keep up with our own blogs even without guest posting! Truthfully, I've been having the very same problem! The only reason it's been a bit easier to keep up with my blog lately is because much of my Guide to Polished Writing was already written before I began posting it. I started writing it quite a while back, so it was much easier to simply post each installment than it would have been to both write and post it.
I'm certainly behind on my comment recognition post this month, though! I've never written one later than the second day of the month before this--and here it is June 4th already! I would have posted it yesterday, but decided to announce my guest posts instead. Oh, well, we can only do what we can do!
I'm not at all surprised that John e-mailed you to request a guest post. I enjoyed that post very much, by the way; and so did many others judging from the number of comments your post is receiving! It will indeed be fascinating to see who wins the grand prize! From what I've seen so far, it looks as if you have a very good chance of winning! I may have limited myself somewhat by writing about essays--because not everyone is interested in that topic! We'll see how things go. There are so many great guest posts still to come this month, so it's anybody's guess who will win! That's exciting, though!
Thanks for your welcome input!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks so much for your kind words! I can always count on you for a, for support--and I appreciate that!
The PoeWar contest is very exciting, and I know there will be many great posts there this month. There will be some stiff competition there for the grand prize--and Lillie's off to a great start! While I'd love to win the grand prize, I certainly have no illusions about the possibility!
It's really great to simply have the opportunity to guest post at Writer's Resource Center! That's an honor in itself--and also a great way to get my work out there before a wider audience. That fact alone is every bit as exciting as the contest! (About 10 months ago, I had a link to one of my posts run on ProBlogger, as part of his "31 Days to Building a Better Blog" group project--and I'm still receiving traffic from it!)
Thanks for your support!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I appreciate your adding the PoeWar link to my post! I hadn't even thought of that! It just goes to show that you're always thinking about what other big or little thing you can do for someone else! Thanks so much! I truly appreciate that in you!
Comment by Michele L.
And... for the record, Poewar should have been PoeWar. Sometimes I type too fast! Anyway, I've already updated my note to include the link over there. I've also read it (GREAT JOB!), commented--and I Stumbled it. Now, I'm off to bookmark it on
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
You're not the only one who gets ahead of yourself typing! I do it all the time!
Thanks so much for linking to my WRC post, reading, commenting, and Stumbling it--not to mention bookmarking it on! Who could ask for more!
You're a real friend!
Comment by Michele L.
Real friend? So glad to be able to return the favor!!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by Michele L.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes