Writer's Notes' Recognition for June '08 Comments
July 7th 2008 22:46
June '08 Comment Recognition
Once again it's time to recognize my valued readers who have left comments at Writer's Notes during the month of June, 2008. (My apologies that this edition of my monthly comment recognition post is so late. Life has been especially hectic again this month!)
Thanks So Much!
I appreciate all your thoughtful comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, experiences, and support at Writer's Notes! I truly enjoy reading your insights, experiences, and viewpoints! Thanks for making June another special month through your input! It's been fun!
June '08 Commenters
The following is a list (in no particular order) of all the fantastic folks who have left comments at Writer's Notes during June, 2008:
AmyHuang, at Travel String
Brad Shorr, at Word Sell, Inc.
Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye
Raven, at Alaska Chronicle
Krissy Knox, at Sometimes I Think
Cindy Nichols, at Kaleidoscope
Renae Brumbaugh, at Morning Coffee
Dan (dcr), at dcrBlogs
Michele Tune, at Writing the Cyber Highway
Cheryl Wright, at Cheryl Wright Writes
Mike Goad, at Exit 78
Bobby Revell, at Revellian Dot Com
Morgan, at Red Raven Circling
Amy Derby, at Write From Home
TravelinOma, at TravelinOma's Library
Dianna G., at I Wish This Was 42
I Really Appreciate Your Comments!
Thanks, again for making the Writer's Notes conversation so much richer this month by visiting and sharing your thoughts, insights, techniques, advice, and personal experiences with us!
Many thanks,
* Haven't managed to write my last several comment appreciation posts on the first of the month, as I like to do. In fact, this month, I'm even later than I was last month--which was already later than usual! But, though I'm again late posting my thanks, please know that I appreciate your comments--and you--every bit as much as I do when I post my appreciation on time!
P.S. If you've commented at Writer's Notes during June, and I've somehow managed to overlook you, please let me know. I appreciate every commenter, and I want each of you to get the recognition you deserve!
Did you enjoy this post? Have anything to add...any insights to share? I'd love to hear your thoughts! After all, your comments are what this post is all about!
Please note: If the StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking buttons aren't visible, please click the "Add Comments" link beneath this post. Thanks!
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Comment by Lillie Ammann
You're ahead of me.
Thanks for being so thoughtful in expressing your appreciation for comments.
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
After putting in 11 billable hours (which probably means more than 11 total hours), who could blame you for not blogging? I'm sure your readers understand.
Thanks for being such a loyal commenter here at Writer's Notes!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks so much for stopping by! Everything's fine--just reformulating my writing plan/reorganizing my writing schedule now that I've quit both of my contract writing gigs, and things are still a little "up in the air."
Hope you, too, are well!
Comment by Anonymous
Read your previous post- I'd be stubborn enough to track it down further.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
No problem! I do like to let everyone know how much I appreciate your comments--even though for the past few months I've been posting my thanks a bit later than I'd like to.
Appreciate your feedback on my plagiarism post. I suppose I probably should pursue it further. I'll have to give that a bit more thought.
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by tlcorbin
Coffee Quip
A Global Citizen
Paranormal Paranormal
Is Why
Alaska Chronicle
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks so much! It's very kind of you to say that!
Have a great day!
Comment by tlcorbin
Coffee Quip
A Global Citizen
Paranormal Paranormal
Is Why
Alaska Chronicle
Comment by cherylwright
Thanks for the acknowledgment. You're one of the most gracious bloggers I know and it is always a pleasure to read your posts. They provide timely information and great advice to both aspiring and seasoned writers.
May your kindness return to you a thousandfold.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
What a sweet thing to say! Thanks so much! I really appreciate having you as a reader and always enjoy reading your thoughtful comments--and I mean thoughtful in every sense of the word!
Take care!
Comment by cherylwright
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Either way's good!