Passionate Blogger is Back!
July 29th 2008 19:30
Wild Bill Rides Again!
After a 10-month hiatus, Passionate Blogger Wild Bill is back online--and that's good news! If you've read his blog before, you know how dedicated Wild Bill is to helping bloggers reach their full potential--and earn money doing it. And you've likely been as disappointed as I to see this great source of blogging inspiration and knowledge fall dormant for so long. If you haven't read this blog before, you're in for a treat, and you're destined to become a diehard fan!
One thing you'll notice right away when you visit Passionate Blogger and begin to read is that this is one inspirational blog! Another is that it's written by a man who really cares about his readers--a man totally dedicated to imparting the wisdom he's gained through his own experience to you, his reader and fellow blogger, with totally generous abandon. Visit this blog and I can almost guarantee that you'll be hooked in no time!
Wild Bill Shares About Himself and His Blog
Here's what Wild Bill has to say about Passionate Blogger:
Passionate Blogger is a blog about using your passion to blog better and make more money blogging. With easy to understand weekly articles Passionate Blogger unlocks the secrets of professional bloggers that will grow your blog faster than ever before. Making a living online is very possible and Passionate Blogger is here to help make your dream blog a reality.
And here's what he has to say about the man behind the blog (aka, himself):
I'm an internet entrepreneur and full time blogger making a living from blogs like Passionate America. I started my first blog in 2004, have blogged on 10 blogs, and have been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.
You'll find more info about Wild Bill on the Passionate Blogger About Page.
Get Ready for Some Fantastic Content!
Wild Bill has written some great content since reviving his blog on July 16th. Appropriately enough, his first post gives timely advice on How to Resurrect a Dead or Dying Blog--and, after all, he should know, since he's in the middle of doing it, as we "speak."
Another post Wild Bill has added since his return to the blogging scene is Making New Friends, 10 Passionate Ways to Connect With Friends Online--a must-read for any blogger who wants some sage advice on how to best forge those all-important relationships that make blogging so uniquely rewarding.
Don't Overlook Wild Bill's Earlier Posts!
When you visit Passionate Blogger, be sure to check out Wild Bill's older posts, as well. You'll definitely find some gems in his archives, including his three-part Give and Receive Series and the following individual posts: Does Your Blog Get a Failing Grade? How to Get an A+, Do You Have a Blogging Addiction? and Stop Cramming for a Post!--a very practical piece that can help you limit the time and effort you spend on prep work for your posts.
More Great Passionate Blogger Content to Come!
The above posts should more than whet your appetite for the wonderful content yet to come on the newly resurrected Passionate Blogger site! So, be sure to visit often. And while you're at it, why not leave a comment to let Wild Bill know you're reading and are glad he's back. (You might even want to sign up for his RSS feed to keep on top of new posts.)
Link to Passionate Blogger in Writer's Notes' Sidebar
You'll find a link to Passionate Blogger in my Sites for Writers list at the bottom of my left sidebar. That way, you'll be able to drop by and visit Wild Bill with a single click, whenever you're reading Writer's Notes and have a sudden urge for some passionate blogging advice!
Happy--and passionate--blogging!
Did you enjoy this post? Have any thoughts to share about passionate blogging? I'd just love to hear them!
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Comment by tlcorbin
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Wild Bill
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Always happy to give a glowing review to a fantastic blog!
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by Wild Bill
Comment by dcr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I'm sure your readers would be wild about any number of your 100 ideas! But, I will give some thought to which blogging topics I might be interested in seeing in the near future.
Perhaps it would be helpful to ask your readers what topics they'd like to see--by either writing a post about it or incorporating it into another post. Then, you'll have a fairly good idea of the relative popularity of a given topic.
You might even mention a few of the ideas you already have for possible future posts and "put them to a vote," (so to speak) to find out which ones spark your readers' interest. After all, it's a lot easier to tell someone which of a given group of topics one finds interesting than it is to come up with a list of one's own.
Of course, there will always be those few subjects that a particular person has been wondering about that, if asked, they'd be more than happy to share with you. So, perhaps a combination of asking for your readers' ideas and sharing your own would be the best approach. Going about it that way might even give you enough content for an entire post on future Passionate Blogger content! (And there's one idea for a future post!)
Thanks for stopping back!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I certainly haven't been updating nearly as often as I'd like lately, I do admit! Life can so easily get in the way of blogging, at times. But, I'm still around and plan to do my best in August and thereafter to keep the content coming!
Thanks for your support!
Comment by Robyn McMaster
I appreciate the good links you provide here to excellent bloggers.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Wonderful to see you! Wild Bill does offer a great deal of valuable information about blogging on his site, and I'm happy to re-introduce my readers to his informative blog!
I'm always on the lookout for helpful links to share with my readers, and I'm glad to hear that they're well-received!
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. Looked for an e-mail address or contact form at Brain Based Biz, Robyn, but was unable to find one. Would you mind shooting me a quick e-mail at when you get the chance letting me know how I can contact you. Wanted to discuss something.
Comment by Robyn
I never did receive an email notification from Oble, but maybe I needed to check the box.
I hesitate to put my email on my site because I don't want to be swamped with "junk" emails, which I have understood can happen. Here it is: robynm [at] frontiernet [dot] net
Jeanne, I so enjoy your thoughtful questions and the way that you extend conversations at Brain Based Biz. IQ is a fascinating topic and looking at it from several views makes it that much more interesting.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I believe you do have to check the box to be notified of replies to your comments at Orble.
I understand about your not wanting to post your e-mail address on your site because of possible spam. For a long time, I didn't post an e-mail address at Writer's Notes either--for the same reason. Then, I realized that (though Orble doesn't provide an e-mail address for its blogs) I could set up a separate one under the name of my blog at G-mail. That way, my personal/business and my blog-related e-mails are separate and my personal e-mail address isn't posted online.
I truly love reading your insightful and informative posts at Brain Based Biz. I find the entire topic of the human brain absolutely fascinating and your posts engagingly written. I only wish I had the time to visit more often and will have to try my best to do so in the future.
Commenting at BBB is an activity I truly enjoy, partly because I find your thoughtful answers and friendly responsiveness to my thoughts very inviting! My other reason for enjoying it so much is the substantial nature of your posts--which simply invite a response!
Glad you'll be visiting Passionate Blogger from time to time via my link!
Thanks for stopping back!
Comment by Robyn
I had never considered myself a good writer so I shied away from blogging. But, Ellen Weber started and she soon was addicted. I wondered what it was about and decided to give it a try. She gave me some great tips on writing and that propelled my whole extended experiment. Besides, peoples' questions help me get into topics I enjoy, too.
I'm thankful you ask such great questions.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I have to confess that whenever I haven't visited one of my favorite blogs in a while, I'm always relieved when I stop by and learn that the blogger has also been absent! LOL! It somehow feels as if I've gotten a bit of a reprieve! How silly is that?
So glad Ellen got you started blogging and served as your blogging mentor! (Her blog--Brain Based Business--is another fascinating one!) I would venture to say that your "extended experiment" with blogging has proved quite successful!
Keep up the wonderful work!