Writer's Notes' Recognition for May '08 Comments
June 5th 2008 21:28
May '08 Comment Recognition
Once again it's time to recognize my valued readers who have left comments at Writer's Notes during the month of May, 2008. (My apologies that this edition of my monthly comment recognition post is so late. Life has been especially hectic lately!)
Thanks So Much!
I appreciate all your thoughtful comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, experiences, and support at Writer's Notes! I truly enjoy reading your insights, experiences, and viewpoints! Thanks for making May another special month through your input! It's been fun!
May '08 Commenters
The following is a list (in no particular order) of all the fantastic folks who have left comments at Writer's Notes during May, 2008:
AmyHuang, at Travel String
Brad Shorr, at Word Sell, Inc.
Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye
Joanna Young, at Confident Writing
Raven, at Alaska Chronicle
Krissy Knox, at Sometimes I Think
Robyn McMaster, at Brain-Based Biz
Cindy Nichols, at Kaleidoscope
Yvonne Russell, at Grow Your Writing Business
Lynn Smythe, at Freelance Online Work
Renae Brumbaugh, at Morning Coffee
Whitney, at Gaming Life
Mark Antony, at Hotel Mark
Dan (dcr), at dcrBlogs
Mother Earth, at Best of Mother Earth ~ Creating Healthier Lives
Michele Tune, at Writing the Cyber Highway
Diane, at The Mommy Diaries
Amanda, at The Mom Crowd
Cheryl Wright, at Cheryl Wright Writes
I Really Appreciate Your Comments!
Thanks, again for making the Writer's Notes conversation so much richer this month by visiting and sharing your thoughts, insights, techniques, and personal experiences with us!
Many thanks,
* Haven't managed to write my last several comment appreciation posts on the first of the month, as I like to, due to my incredibly busy schedule. In fact, this month, I'm even later than usual! But, though I may be late posting my thanks, you may be certain that I still appreciate your comments--and you--every bit as much!
P.S. If you've commented at Writer's Notes during May, and I've somehow managed to overlook you, please let me know. I appreciate every commenter, and I want each of you to get the recognition you deserve!
Did you enjoy this post? Have anything to add...any insights to share? I'd love to hear your thoughts! After all, your comments are what this post is all about!
Please note: If the StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking buttons aren't visible, please click the "Add Comments" link beneath this post. Thanks!
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Comment by tlcorbin
Coffee Quip
A Global Citizen
Paranormal Paranormal
Is Why
Alaska Chronicle
Comment by Cheryl Wright
Thanks for including me and a link to my blog in your list of May '08 Commenters.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
No problem! Thanks for your many comments!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Happy to include you, and appreciate your comments!
(Guess I was over at your blog leaving you a comment while you were leaving this one. At least, I didn't notice your comment until I clicked back over from testing your link/leaving my comment. Funny!)
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by krissyknox
Really Long Link
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
No, problem! Always happy to link to your blog--and read your comments!
Comment by Lillie Ammann
You should get lots of comments, for both your thought-provoking blog posts and your own generosity in leaving comments on other blogs.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for that kind thought! My comments have gone down lately because I've been so busy that I haven't really been updating as often as I should--or visiting and commenting on my favorite blogs as often as I'd like. I'd really like to update--and visit/comment--more often but can't always find the time. Just dropped one contract writing project, though; so let's see if that makes it any easier to keep up with my blogging/commenting!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Ditto for WS!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Michele L.
Maybe next time...
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
No problem! You're not the only one who's behind! This is the latest I've ever done mine. When I first started doing them, I always posted them right on the first of each month. But, as I've gotten busier, it's gotten later. I think our readers understand, though. They know what it's like to be busy, and I'm sure they forgive us.
If you can't get to it, I woudn't give it another thought! After all, your blog is so much more than a mere monthly comment recognition post!
Thanks for stopping by!