Around the Blogosphere: A Host of Helpful Posts for Writers
September 4th 2008 00:46
A Virtual Trip Around the Blogosphere
I've found so much fantastic content around the blogosphere lately, that I thought I'd compile a list of links to share with you--links to content that will help you in a multitude of ways. So, just in case you've missed one or more of the following posts, here's your chance to check them out. I know I've listed quite a few, but that will only increase your opportunity for finding a topic that will address an interest, need, or concern you're facing now.
So, sit back and browse this excellent list, which I've divided into three different categories, based on general post type. You might even decide to bookmark this post so you can return later to visit the posts you don't have enough time to read now.
Compilation of Posts on Virtually Any Topic of Interest to Writers
Individual Blog Posts
Deb Ng, at Freelance Writing Jobs:
10 Bad Freelance Writing Habits You Need to Break
Laura Spencer, at Writing Thoughts:
Is Your Freelance Writing Timeless?
Brad Shorr, at Word Sell, Inc:
A Guide to Confusing Business Words and Phrases
Robyn McMaster, at Brain Based Biz:
Do Night Owls Get the Best From Their Brains?
Joanna Young, at Confident Writing:
10 Practical Ways to Boost Blog Comments and Conversation
Liz Strauss, at Successful Blog:
Look to Have Fun with the World
Brian Clark, at Copyblogger:
How to Read
Darren Rowse, at ProBlogger:
13 Ways to Add New Dimensions to Your Next Post
Matthew Henrickson, at Blog About Your Blog:
Squidoo is Perfect for Bloggers
Daniel Scocco, at Daily Blog Tips:
You Need to Call Your Visitors to Action
Sharon Hurley Hall, at Get Paid to Write Online:
Five Essential Questions For Freelance Writers
Link-Compilation Posts
Michele Tune, at Writing the Cyber Highway:
Freelance Writing: Writers on the Cyber Highway
Amy Derby, at Write From Home:
Freelance Writing Blogs That Rock
Workshop/Series/Group Writing Project Posts
Robert Hruzek, at Middle Zone Musings:
September WILF (What I Learned From) Group Writing Project:
A Little Help From My Friends
Rebecca Laffar-Smith, at Writer's Round-About:
September Goal Setting Workshop
John Hewitt, at Writer's Resource Center (aka, PoeWar):
Internet Writing Project: 30 Poems in 30 Days
About 30 Poems in 30 Days
Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye:
Barter Series (Four Parts)
Barter—Part 1: What Is It?
Hope you'll find these posts, which have been written by a variety of fantastic bloggers, useful to you in your own writing.
Knowledge is Power!
Did you enjoy this post? How has one or more of the above posts helped you? Know of any other especially helpful or inspiring posts for writers/bloggers? We'd just love it if you'd share them with us!
Please note: If the StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking buttons aren't visible, please click the "Add Comments" link beneath this post. Thanks!
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Comment by cherylwright
You're a busy little beaver aren't you! It's been a busy day and very productive. I'm proud but pooped. So, I'm taking your suggestion and bookmarking this page for later (read as tomorrow, bright and early).
Have a good night and thanks for the list.
Comment by Chris Champion
Comment by Amy Derby
Comment by Sharon Hurley Hall
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad to hear you've had a productive day! That's always a great feeling for a writer!
There are definitely a lot of wonderful posts in the above list, so I'm happy to know that you've taken my advice and bookmarked this page. I don't think you'll regret it!
Hope you're well-rested now and ready to go, after a good night's sleep!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for dropping by!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
The pleasure's all mine! Figured it was time to remind my readers of all the great content--and great blogs--out there!
My week's been going well, but as you say, it's also been flying by!
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
More than happy to link to your excellent post!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Joanna Young
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by Laura Spencer
What a great list of links! I notice you include entries from some of my favorite blogs.
Thanks for including my link!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad to include you! I think yours is a very helpful piece on a very important topic. Every blog needs a healthy dose of cornerstone content, and many articles (i.e., those that aren't intentionally "newsy") also need that "evergreen" quality!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
It did take a bit of time to assemble the links to these posts, but it was certainly time well-spent--just as reading them will be! There's a wealth of wisdom buried in the above posts--wisdom that's just waiting to be dug up and put to good use!
Hadn't given any thought at all to my timing on posting these two round-ups; but now that you mention it, right before the weekend is probably the best time I could have chosen! It will give everyone a little extra time to catch up on the posts they'd like to read but might not have had time for during the week! (I'll have to consider doing that intentionally next time!)
Thanks for pointing that out!
Comment by Wilson Pon
Techno Stuffs
I'm also one of the loyal fans of Joanna blog's and I love her unique and provoking writing style...
By the way, have you drop Lillie's blog a visit recently? Do you know that you've nominated as one of the top contributors for August?
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Joanna's blog is always well-written and informative and her topics always fascinating. I can certainly see why you're a loyal fan!
Yes, I did know about Lillie's August comments post, but I still appreciate your bringing it up. There's always lots to talk about at Lillie's blog, and she's very responsive to comments, posting very engaging replies--which always makes it fun and interesting to comment there. Another reason I'm a top contributor is that Lillie and I often like to see how long we can keep a comment thread going! We've turned it into a bit of a game!
Thanks for the visit!