AbleStable: An Excellent Resource for Creative People
April 19th 2008 22:10
AbleStable: An Inspiration to Writers and Other Creative Types
In keeping with the theme of my series, Inspiration, I'd like to introduce a website, which many of my readers may not have heard of, but which I think would prove a real inspiration to you in your creative endeavors. And if you happen to be an artistic type who expresses your creativity in a variety of different ways, other than just through writing, you'll like this site even more.
What Is AbleStable?
AbleStable is a unique website which brings together information, inspiration, and a wide variety of resources for creative individuals who work their magic in a number of different disciplines. Whether you choose to express your personal creativity through writing, music, visual art, acting, or more than one of a broad array of artistic modes, you'll find something on this website to interest, inspire, empower, and equip you for your specialty.
What Does AbleStable Have to Offer?
From articles on a variety of creative topics to competitions and exhibitions featuring readers' work, there's something here for everyone. Helpful tools, e-books, freeware, a glossary of terminology used on the site, games, puzzles, and other activities make this a site with broad appeal for artistic personalities everywhere. In addition, the site provides a free listing service, where "creatives" can present their own services to the world.
Who Runs AbleStable?
Mike de Sousa, director of AbleStable and obviously himself a highly creative type, as can be seen by his About Us page, as well as his articles, is the personality behind the site. Mike has a great deal to offer the artistic visitor to his website. With a background in music, writing, art, photography, and both graphic and website design, he understands the differing needs of individuals involved in a variety of creative areas and can therefore provide on-target information, resources, inspiration, and encouragement to which each type of artist can relate.
AbleStable Articles to Inspire You
Being a writer, myself, I enjoy reading Mike's articles about How To Be Creative, Emotion and Creativity, Finding Balance, and The Purpose of Art. I find that his articles also Inspire Me and encourage me to Write from the Heart. The foregoing are just a few examples of some of the fascinating articles you'll find in the archive of Mike's monthly feature, The Column. Mike's articles are engagingly written and will definitely appeal to your creative, contemplative side. Speaking as one artist to another, through The Column, Mike shares the considerable insights he's gleaned from his own creative--and not-so-creative--experiences.
Visit AbleStable and Be Inspired
Whatever your creative specialty, check out AbleStable. There's something for everyone on this fantastic site!
Enjoy your visit!
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Comment by tlcorbin
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
There's a lot going on at this website, that's for sure! I've really enjoyed reading Mike's articles, written for his monthly column. He's written quite a few of them about many different aspects of creativity. I find them quite insightful. Of course, the site contains many other things besides articles!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Cheryl J
Funny Videos
Comment by Yvonne Russell (Grow Your Writing Business)
You're a natural researcher... always coming up with something new and interesting to explore. Thanks for sharing this.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
No problem! Hope you'll find a great deal that interests you there!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Incessant researcher--that's me!
I came across this website a short while back and wanted to be sure I remembered to write a blog post about it later, so put the info, link, etc. into an MS-Word file that I keep for that purpose.
The other day, I went back and looked the site over again, reading more great articles there, and decided it was time to tell the world about it.
Mike de Sousa, the site's director is also very responsive to feedback left via his contact form and replies promptly, which I appreciate.
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by Anonymous
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I'm doing fine--just incredibly busy! Haven't managed to make the rounds of all my favorite blogs in a while, and my other writing has been keeping me from updating my blog as often as I'd like lately, as well. I am working on a post, though, which I hope to complete soon!
Thanks for stopping by!