A Link-filled Blogging Tale
November 20th 2007 04:18
A Highly Entertaining Meme
I recently decided to participate in a really entertaining meme I found at Cindy Nichols' Kaleidoscope blog, in her post Art, LinkLetter Style. I thought it would be great fun, and I've finally managed to complete my contribution. I wrote my post slightly differently than Cindy did hers, using the titles of each blog or website in my Helpful Sites for Writers list. (I've also added a link to DCR Blogs, since Dan is the first blogger I've seen write this type of "linky" tale and he may very well have originated the idea. (Find out about it in Dan's Viral Stories How-To post. I have, in fact, written my post DCR-style, if you will.) Hope you'll enjoy it!
A Real Blog About Your Blog Story
One day I decided to visit the downtown office of the Blog Herald to talk to The Copywriting Maven about writing a Successful Blog. She immediately took out The Golden Pencil that she had won in a writing competition, and began scribbling like an AcaDemon. Soon, she spoke. “If you really want to Grow Your Writing Business and Get Paid to Write Online, you’ll have to learn ‘Word Sell,’ which is a new language that will take you a long way Down the Writer's Path on your Freelancing Journey.” She certainly had my attention!
“Some of the terminology used in this new language may be unfamiliar to you,” she continued, “but you’ll get the hang of it soon enough by following my Daily Blog Tips.” Soon your Blogging Fingers will be doing some Confident Writing, and you’ll be a Pro Blogger before you know it.”
I was so curious, however, that I just had to ask about this Kaleidoscope of Web Writing Info and how it could possibly help me gather my Writing Thoughts into a Write from Home Blog that could churn out not only Constant Content, but Content Done Better. In fact, I wanted to know when All Freelance Writing I did would begin earning me a hefty piece of the Funds for Writers that are always there for the taking when you find the best Freelance Writing Jobs. I was gung-ho!
Well, soon the Maven realized how serious I was, so she decided to put me in touch with the “big guns”: her colleague Mrs. Write Right, Word Therapist.
“She should be able to teach you everything you need to know,” said the Maven. So, off we went to the office of this experienced Copyblogger who knew all there was to know about Good Word Editing. “She’ll teach you everything you need to know about My Way to Freelance. Just as I made a Passionate Blogger out of her, she’ll bring you into the Pro Bloggers Matrix, too, so you’ll Write Stuff that not only Writers Remember, but that Associated Content buyers will band together all in a Writers' Row for the sole purpose of reading, buying, and putting into their publications and on their websites. But you must realize that this will take dedication on your part. It won't happen overnight. It’ll be a joint effort between you and Mrs. Write Right. It’ll take A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye, and some Blog Smart Resources to pull this off! Are you ready to get to work?”
How could I refuse? This was the chance of a lifetime! After introductions, my new mentor said, “We’ll get started first thing tomorrow morning.” Handing me a huge stack of books which had been written by a famous internet guru right at the peak of his highly successful career, she added, “Study these tonight. That will help prepare you for the work we’ll be doing. In this business, you need to be SEOAware, and that’s why you’ll find these Middle Zone Musings so helpful.”
I was so anxious to get started that I decided to check out a few pages before leaving so I could work on memorizing what I could to start "Writing the Cyber Highway" as I drove the five or so miles home.
On the way out, I met Sylvia, the receptionist, and stopped by her desk to say “Hi.” I recalled that it had been Sylvia's Insight About Freelance Writing that had kept my colleague Chris Blogging when he’d been ready to give up last year. Her encouragement and expertise had been just what he needed at the time. It had helped him become better able to Write from Home using the Pro Blog Design he’d previously had his good friend Randa Clay Design for him. He had then become so enamored with blogging that he and all his friends became Clicky Web Analytics, clicking on all the sites they could find to analyze the latest versions of their blog stats. Chris's friend, DCR Blogs for one of the well-known blogging networks.
As I left the office, I couldn’t help simply shaking my head in amazement. I had entered that building just a short while ago, my head filled with several years' accumulation of A Writer's Woolgatherings, and now here I was well on my way to learning everything I needed to know to begin an exciting and successful writing career.
And all because one of the experts had been willing to help me out! How lucky is that! That's one story that will definitely go down in this Writer's Notes!*
End of Story?
Well, there you have it, folks! That was my contribution to this really fun meme! Hope you enjoyed reading it! I won't tag anybody for this meme; but if anyone would like to participate, I guarantee you'll enjoy yourself immensely! If you do, write a story, using as many links from your sidebar as your imagination can handle; and also, please link back to this post and/or this blog. Then, don't forget to drop back by and leave me a comment, so I'll be able to check out your post.
Happy creative linking!
*Just had to throw that one in!
This is not a sponsored post.
Did you enjoy this post? Want to join in the fun? Join the meme! Or, at least, leave a comment! We'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Comment by dcr
I'm not the first, though. After I had posted one of mine, a linkback from a blog I had linked to mentioned another blogger who had done this kind of thing as well. The blog is eluding me at the moment. I think it started with an "S" but I don't know for sure.
Comment by AmyHuang
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
You may not be the first, but you're the first I'VE seen! Thanks for your kind words about my post!
I must say, I'm fascinated with your latest post--the one I'm calling your "cipher post." Couldn't spend too much time looking it over the last time I visited, since I was in the middle of writing this post--though I have figured out the letters from the two links you've included in the post. I've only gotten as far as plugging them into the post title so far and noticing which letter was repeated and which blanks would contain the same mystery letter.
Stay tuned...
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad you enjoyed it! Those links lead to many great websites! And once this post moves down and out of sight, don't forget that you'll still have access to all these websites, because all the above links can be found in my Helpful Sites for Writers list near the bottom of my left sidebar.
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Joanna Young
I know these posts are a lot of work in the making though, so double thanks for the link love!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
They sure are a lot of work--but they're loads of fun, too!
Happy to link to Confident Writing any day of the week!
Thanks for dropping in!
Comment by Yvonne Russell
Thanks for the link to Grow Your Writing Business, and for the very clever link love story.
I really enjoyed reading it!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I thought it was great fun, too! Glad you enjoyed it! Don't mind at all linking to Grow Your Writing Business. (I must confess, though, that writing the story was a lot more fun than preparing all those links! That part did take a bit of work!)
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Lillie Ammann
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I enjoyed this meme immensely! Glad you did, too!
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by Sylvia C.
And, what a delight to see my name in the story!
Although, I must admit, my "receptionist" skills are slightly sketchy, I would still love to give advice to all passersby!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sylvia C.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
It was equally delightful to put your name into the story! Your blog's title was so easy to use creatively to advance the storyline!
While your receptionist skills may be sketchy, judging from your blog I'm totally confident that any advice you might give would be well worth listening to--in "real" life as well as in the story! (Hence, I was totally happy to place you in an "advisory" position in my little linky tale.)
Thanks for dropping by to comment!
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Anonymous
Comment by Anonymous
Thanks for linking to me in your story.
Comment by Anonymous
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
What a nice thing to say! Glad you enjoyed my little tale, and hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful, as well!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
And thanks for introducing me to this fun, fun meme! I had thought it would be a real challenge coming up with a story, but once I got started, it practically wrote itself! I guess that's because I had so many highly appropriate and eminently usable titles in my blogroll!
Thanks for dropping by to check out my contribution to the meme--and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad to provide your morning chuckle! This really was a fun story to write. I had such a wealth of excellent titles in my blogroll that it was only natural to write the type of tale I wrote, and as I mentioned in my comment to Cindy, it practically wrote itself! (So many of the titles fit together so well, aside from fitting into the overall storyline, that it was almost uncanny!)
I'd never dream of leaving Writing Thoughts out! I'm always more than happy to link to your very informative blog!
Thanks for the visit, and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Happy to provide the fun that brightened your Wednesday morning! It's the least I could do for one of the main characters in my tale!
This post was so much fun to write, and it's very gratifying to know that my readers are having as much fun reading it as I did writing it! In a very real sense, I have all of you to thank; because, if you hadn't come up with such excellent titles for your sites, I wouldn't have had so much great stuff to work with!
Thanks for the visit! Hope you'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Comment by Amy Derby
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad you enjoyed my story! Hope you WILL be able to find the time to write a post for this meme! I'd love to read it. I just know it would be great!
Thanks for dropping by! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Comment by Michael Martin
And thanks for including me.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for the compliment! I really appreciate it! But I have to confess that some of those titles just begged to be used the way I used them! They fit so naturally into this story that it made my job so much easier--and so much more fun!
Don't mind at all including your great blog in my link-laden tale--which is why it's on my blogroll to begin with!
Thanks for stopping by to compliment...er... comment!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Comment by tlcorbin-raginravensview
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad you enjoyed it! I have to say, though, that these links were just tailor-made for this story--which made them so much easier to use!
Thanks for your kind words!