LinkedIn: A Great Place for Writers to Network
October 25th 2008 06:23
I've Finally Made the Leap to LinkedIn!
I've recently joined LinkedIn, the popular website where entrepreneurs and employees of virtually every type of business can connect with one another to further their business objectives. Perhaps you're already a member. I myself have been a little late acquiring a LinkedIn account, and I'm only just beginning to catch up with many of my fellow entrepreneurs and other businesspeople who've been using the service to highlight their products and services for some time. After being invited to join by two different businesspeople I know, I finally decided to sign up and see what it was all about.
LinkedIn Networking
We always hear that networking is the best way to make valuable contacts in the business world that can pay off either in the present or somewhere down the line. Yet, we don't always take this very seriously. Perhaps we feel that extensive networking is simply too much trouble, too complicated. Yet, the Internet--and, in particular, LinkedIn--makes networking with businesspeople from across town, across the country, or across the planet an absolute breeze.
LinkedIn Profiles and Recommendations
Once you've set up your LinkedIn profile, which includes much of the information you might put on a resume--and more--you may go on to connect with business people with whom you now have or have in the past had working relationships. You'll have the opportunity to write recommendations for those present or former business associates, colleagues, or fellow employees that you think highly of--and, if they are so inclined, they may do the same for you, which can greatly increase your credibility and influence in your niche or genre.
There are so many bloggers and others that I highly respect and whom I'm looking forward to recommending at LinkedIn that it will likely take me some time to get all my recommendations written--but I'll manage it eventually! You'll likely have many trusted associates you'll want to recommend, as well. But, if you take it one step at a time, everything will go fine. You'll get there eventually, just as I will.
Expanding Your LinkedIn Network
You'll be able to invite your business associates and friends to join your LinkedIn network and, through them, you'll also enjoy the possibility of being introduced to their connections--thus expanding your reach on LinkedIn still further by forging new business relationships, adding your new colleagues to your network, and joining theirs.
There's Much to Discover at LinkedIn
There's much more to LinkedIn than I've covered in this post--so much, in fact, that I'm still discovering a great deal about the site, myself. If you haven't visited LinkedIn yet, check it out. Visit my LinkedIn profile if you'd like, and then do a bit of exploring. There's a lot going on at LinkedIn, and wandering around the site a bit will give you a better idea of its many features.
Get Linked at LinkedIn
Who knows, once you've discovered all that LinkedIn has to offer you and your writing business, you may just wish you'd joined sooner. If you do decide to join, be sure to drop by my page and invite me to join your network. I'd be happy to connect with you on LinkedIn!
Hope to see you there!
Did you enjoy this post? Have anything to add? Have you joined LinkedIn? If so, what do you think of it? Have you been a member long? Perhaps you're totally new to LinkedIn, as I am. If you've visited the site, what are your thoughts about it? Do you think you'll join? What do you feel LinkedIn has to offer its members? Why do you think it's so popular? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Comment by moonglow
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Great to meet you! Glad I've reminded you about LinkedIn. Maybe signing up will prove beneficial to you in promoting your writing. If you do sign up, stop by and say Hi!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Wilson Pon
Health 2 Know
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Try to scour it around the site and you'll be amazed by its incredible features that will bring some dramatic changes to your online venture
By the way, I glad to see you again, Jeanne!
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by cherylwright
Good luck and God speed with the possibilities there.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I'm enjoying making new discoveries at LinkedIn! If you have a LinkedIn account, I'd be happy to join your network and have you join mine. Let's figure out the best way to do that.
I've been a bit busy, which is the reason I haven't updated my blog as much as I'd like lately. (Part of that busy-ness was the time and work involved in setting up my new LinkedIn account and profile! And I haven't even completed every section of my profile yet!)
Thanks so much for stopping by to comment!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I noticed one of your in-depth answers to someone else's question there (the one that achieved "best answer" status for that particular question), and I was quite impressed with it! (Not at all surprised however, since you're really quite knowledgeable about a number of topics and have a wonderful way of presenting that knowledge so clearly and eloquently!)
I'm sure the questioner found your response more than helpful! "Answers" sounds like a great way to find the info and expertise we need to help us along with our projects!
I also forgot to mention the LinkedIn "Jobs" feature in my post. Haven't really had a chance to do much exploring there yet, but it seems to be a section of the site that could prove quite beneficial to LinkedIn users.
Thanks so much for dropping by and sharing your perspective on the site!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
It's very kind of you to say that! I'm enjoying my new membership and would be happy to connect with you on LinkedIn now that I know you have an account.
Thanks so much for your good wishes! Wishing you the same!
Appreciate the visit!
Comment by Karen Swim
As you know I love LinkedIn and am very happy we are linked! This post was such a wonderful introduction for writers who may not be using this wonderful tool. It truly is a wonderful place to form connections, find resources and showcase your expertise. You always do such a wonderful job of presenting great resources and clearly articulating their value. I really appreciate you!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I, too, am happy we're linked, and I very much appreciate your kind words about my post! I know there's so much more to discover at LinkedIn than I have so far (after all, it's only been a few days since I joined), and I look forward to uncovering and using the many great resources available there.
So glad you've been finding my resource posts valuable! It means a lot to me to know that!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Comment by Mark Antony
Always thoughtful and interesting topics, Jeanne, well done.
Best wishes, Mark.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I believe that LinkedIn would be a great resource to include in your networking series. It definitely is one great way of increasing website exposure, since it's so popular among businesses of all types.
Thanks so much for your kind words, and good luck on your series. It sounds fascinating!
Thanks for your input!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Happy to help! LinkedIn is a great site for networking with other people in your niche or profession. I didn't sign up right away, myself, but I'm glad I finally decided to go for it.
Thanks for the visit!