A Cure for Blogging Guilt?
March 16th 2009 19:03
A Fun Tool for the
Karen Swim, at Words for Hire, recently penned an entertaining post, in which she introduced a fantastic tool for lazy…er, busy…bloggers who are willing to refrain (for at least a little while) from taking themselves—and life—too seriously. (To be perfectly accurate, she has partly penned and partly generated this post.) To see what I mean, check out Lazy or Creative? and prepare to smile.
Karen's post introduces an eminently—OK, amusingly—helpful standby for the blogger who may be having trouble keeping up. It's an automatic blog post generator that can help you easily (and often quite humorously) explain/apologize to your readers for your inexcusable blogging lapses. (It's about time someone thought of this!) With my own practically non-existent blogging schedule lately, I feel eminently qualified to take full advantage of this tool. (In fact, I thought that two apology posts created with this software would be the least I should offer my loyal, longsuffering readers, who certainly deserve two posts—and, at the absolute minimum, two apologies—for dealing with the dearth of content here at Writer's Notes lately). So, here goes!
My first, more down-to earth, conservative version follows:
Goodness Gracious I just discovered I have not updated this since they invented sliced bread...You would not believe I spend all my time in front of a computer. I hope you still love me!*
I am absolutely consumed with work, personal projects, (and) just generally being a slave to society in general. (M)y day is full to overflowing from dawn to sundown and beyond. I am not complaining though. (But) I need a nap.
I won't promise anything to you, but I will make more of an effort to blog more often. Well, I'll try. What do you mean you don't believe me?
I am absolutely consumed with work, personal projects, (and) just generally being a slave to society in general. (M)y day is full to overflowing from dawn to sundown and beyond. I am not complaining though. (But) I need a nap.
I won't promise anything to you, but I will make more of an effort to blog more often. Well, I'll try. What do you mean you don't believe me?
And here's my slightly zanier, or rather far more literary [cough, cough], version:
Abject apologies! I just opened mine eyes, and lo! I have not updated this since long before Shakespeare wast a boy...You would not believe my anguish at my misdoings. I prostrate myself in sorrow and beg thy forgiveness.
I am absolutely consumed with discovering time doesn't stand still, hoping you haven't found other blogs, (and) just generally being a doormat to my cats. (M)y day is passing in a blur from (the time) the light through yonder window breaks to whenever (I get finished). I am not complaining though. (L)ife is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get.
I declare solemnly I will try to remember my blog password more often in future. Truly! Unless of course the pool with the cocktail bar is heated!
I am absolutely consumed with discovering time doesn't stand still, hoping you haven't found other blogs, (and) just generally being a doormat to my cats. (M)y day is passing in a blur from (the time) the light through yonder window breaks to whenever (I get finished). I am not complaining though. (L)ife is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get.
I declare solemnly I will try to remember my blog password more often in future. Truly! Unless of course the pool with the cocktail bar is heated!
Why not drop whatever you're doing and drop by The Lazy Bloggers Post Generator, where you can turn your blogging guilt into blogging fun!
*In the interests of proper usage, I've made slight grammatical and punctuation changes to the two posts generated by the above tool. Added words and capitalizations are enclosed in parentheses, though I've taken the liberty of not indicating punctuation changes (which would have been awfully cumbersome--not to mention downright boring).
Did you enjoy this post? What do you think of such all-in-fun lapses in serious content posting? Do you consider this tool a dream-come-true for the busy (or lazy) blogger, or simply a way of letting off steam, eliciting a smile from readers, or assuaging a blogger's guilt when circumstances conspire against a regular blogging schedule? Perhaps a bit of all of the above? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Comment by Lillie Ammann
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by Lilla
From The Home Front
Enviro Warrior
Dream Herald
Esoteric Bookshop
Heres what the blog generator generated for my apology :
I am so busy with discovering time doesn't stand still, personal projects, just generally being a parent to the local soccer team, my day is full to overflowing from sun up to I feel like going to bed. I am avoiding recapture. life is good.
I swear on the bones of my ancestors I will make more of an effort to blog more often. One day I will find my magic genie! Unless of course the pool with the cocktail bar is heated!.
Now that, is quite funny . . *chuckle* and not bad.' although it almost took as long to make all the choices as if I had written it myself. I might go back now and try it blindfolded, just for fun.
Thanks for the laugh.. oh and ps, your apology accepted.
Lilla ..
Comment by Janet Collins
Acceptable Etiquette
The Social Critic
Janet Collins Blog
Having said that, its a pretty good idea if you have writers' block or just have one of those days when you can't think. It would be really good then.
Good laugh and read.
Comment by Karen Swim
Thanks for the laugh! It is a fun little tool and I loved your clever use of it to apologize. Welcome back!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for sharing your own Lazy Bloggers Post Generator results! They're quite entertaining.
How right you are that the tool doesn't seem to save much time over writing the post oneself. But, it is a lot more fun, which I suspect is the real reason it was developed in the first place.
Please be sure to stop back by and share your new version with us if you do end up trying it blindfolded for more random results.
Thanks for so kindly accepting my light-hearted "please forgive me for not blogging often enough" apology!
Great to see you!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad you enjoyed the Lazy Bloggers Post Generator--even if it isn't the most efficient way to create a blog post. Every so often it's fun to wander off the beaten path a bit and give ourselves a break from "business as usual"--and this tool is perfect for the purpose.
I think you're right that the post generator can come in pretty handy when one has writer's block and really needs an idea for a post. It's a great "conversation piece."
Thanks for dropping by!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Your post inspired me to share the fun! The tool is tailor made for just such an apology!
Thanks for stopping back!
Comment by Robyn McMaster
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
This tool sure is a great way to beat stress! Looking at things in a lighter vein, as this tool encourages us to do, can really help us release tension, which is so important when we're feeling a bit overwhelmed by our responsibilities.
Great to see you! Thanks for dropping by to share your thoughts!
Comment by Ellen Weber
It's fun to also walk in a park with a question to consider and then come back refreshed with a blog - if your busy day involves a great deal of sitting, I find an alternative works well.
Great post and thanks Jeanne! .
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for your input, which I greatly value. How right you are that getting up (and away from the computer for a while) and moving about can make such a difference. A walk in the natural surroundings of the local park can certainly fire the imagination and the physical exertion/exercise and fresh air can definitely get those mental juices flowing.
Did find the Lazy Bloggers Post Generator fun, though. However, I wouldn't actually consider using it to create an entire post that didn't include any writing of my own, but only as part of a larger post that's meant to highlight the post generator as a kind of online conversation piece.
Thanks for stopping by! It's great to see you!
Comment by Wilson Pon
Health 2 Know
Adventure Toes
boxing sound
Business Rope
Fun Places 2 Travel
What a creative and fun apologies you have here, Jeanne! Next time, you should make sure that you jot down your blog's password in a secure place! lol
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Wish I could seriously say that forgetting my blog's password is the reason I haven't been updating much lately!
Thanks so much for your visit and your always welcome, friendly, and encouraging input!
Great to see you!
Comment by Wilson Pon
Health 2 Know
Adventure Toes
boxing sound
Business Rope
Fun Places 2 Travel
Please remember that we will always support on each other, no matter what happened on us, as this is what Orble network for, isn't it?
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I just knew somehow that your remark about my password wasn't meant to be taken seriously. (Could it have been the "lol" that gave it away?)
Anyway, I really appreciate your always loyal support. It's just great having a blogging buddy like you. We definitely will always support one another. After all, isn't that what blogging buddies do?
Thanks again!