Writer's Notes' Recognition for March '08 Comments
April 2nd 2008 00:01
March '08 Comment Recognition
It's time*, once again, to recognize my loyal readers who have left comments at Writer's Notes during the month of March, 2008.
You Contribute So Much!
I appreciate each and every one of you--not to mention your comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and experiences here at Writer's Notes! I truly enjoy hearing what you have to say and reading your insights, experiences, and viewpoints! Thanks for making March such a special month through your input! I've so enjoyed it!
March '08 Commenters
The following is a list (in no particular order) of all the wonderful people who have left comments at Writer's Notes during March, 2008:
AmyHuang, at Travel String
Tracy, at Movies and Life
Brad Shorr, at Word Sell, Inc.
Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye
Joanna Young, at Confident Writing
Laura Spencer, at Writing Thoughts
Robert Hruzek, at Middle Zone Musings
Lilla, at Enviro Warrior
Sonya 1, at Freelance Tips
Always Eighteen
Raven, at Alaska Chronicle
Krissy Knox, at Sometimes I Think
Dan, at dcr Blogs
Lis Garrett, at Lis Garrett ~ Silver-Tongued Writer
Howard, at Real Crash
Damo, at My Apologetics
Robyn, at Brain-Based Biz
Wayne F, at Bucket Movies
Shan Jayaweera, at Watching You Tube
John Hewitt, at Writer's Resource Center
Jackie Cameron
Jarrah, at Back to the Eighties
The Daily Sonnet, at Lots of Sonnets
Ellen Weber, at Brain Based Business
Mike Crowl, at Webitz
Patricia, at Travel Stripe
Cheryl Wright, at Cheryl Wright Writes
Lady Henrietta Muddling
Thanks So Much for Your Comments!
Thanks, again for making the Writer's Notes conversation so much richer by visiting and sharing your thoughts, insights, and personal experiences in response to my posts!
With many thanks,
* I usually write these comment appreciation posts on the first of the month, and it was indeed still the first of April in my time zone when this post was written! Unfortunately, I didn't quite manage to beat the clock in the GMT zone (Orble's time zone), which is seven hours ahead of PDT. (Came really close, though, clocking in at one minute past midnight GMT on April 2nd, which was 5:01 pm PDT, April 1st.)
P.S. If you've commented at Writer's Notes during March, and I've somehow overlooked you, please let me know. I appreciate every commenter, and I want each of you to get the recognition you deserve!
Did you enjoy this post? Have anything to add...any insights to share? I'd love to hear from you! After all, you know how much I love comments!
Please note: If the StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking buttons aren't visible, please click the "Add Comments" link beneath this post. Thanks!
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Comment by AmyHuang
Sydney Table
Project Job Search
Travel Debate
Travel String
Love Adventures
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks a bunch for commenting, too--as usual!
Comment by Lillie Ammann
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I don't think I've ever received a keyword comment at Writer's Notes--at least not one I can recall at the moment. I can see why you'd want to delete those. I think most commenters who have left comments without using their actual names (other than a few anonymous comments, some of which came through that way by mistake) have been from people using either an online user name or the name of a blog.
If someone leaves me a positive generic comment, I generally leave it, since I don't like to delete comments if I can possibly help it. Keyword comments are another thing entirely. Of course, the day may yet come when I do decide to delete one or more generic comments, as well. Basically, I'd have to say I play it by ear.
Thanks for stopping by to share your personal comment protocol!
Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for stopping by. It was fun using your cartoons in my posts last month. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I think they added an extra dimension to my blog--in addition to inspiring me and firing up my imagination. Thanks for offering to let me use them!
Also enjoyed your friendly and insightful comments!
Thanks again!
Comment by krissyknox
my blog: Sometimes I Think
Really Long Link
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I'm so glad to hear that, but sorry it doesn't save your photo! Maybe you'll yet figure out a way to get it to do that too! (Or maybe one of my other readers [who isn't an Orble blogger] would be willing to tell you how he or she does it.)
When you want to include a link to your blog in your comment, try this: type the name of your blog; then select it and click the link icon (globe with a link in front) at the top of the comment insertion window. When the link insertion window opens, type in the URL of your blog (including http://), and click "OK." Orble's software will automatically create the link for you, and it will use the name of your blog as the anchor text. Give it a try, and see how it works. If you have any trouble, let me know.
Great to see you!