More Great Sites for Writing Moms
May 14th 2007 01:48
While I guess it isn't technically Mother's Day "down under" any longer, it still is here in the U.S. Thus, I've decided to post this fairly extensive list of links to articles, blogs, etc., written for, by, and about moms, motherhood, writing, juggling motherhood and writing, and surviving and thriving in the freelance writing world. Finding these sites was a rather time-consuming process, and creating the links to them will make it even more so; hence the lateness of this post. But I suspect that these links will have long-term value to any mom who loves to write and wants to find websites that will give her moral support, inspiration, practical insight, and helpful resources to encourage her in both her craft and her business.
Here they are--again, in no particular order:
Motherhood News (blog about motherhood issues. Includes an entry called “Mommy.Com: the Rise of the Blogging Mom”—with a link to an article about that topic—and other interesting posts about motherhood.)
The Mother Hood (a collection of blogs on motherhood)
Midlife Mother Support (a collection of resources for women who become moms during midlife)
Technorati Blog Finder: Motherhood (a long list of blogs about motherhood!) There’s bound to be at least one there that you’ll like!
Mother’s Day: Motherhood Quotes (a list of quotes and a list of links to more quotes about motherhood.)
The Motherhood Place (a feminine and sentimental site filled with sayings, poems, and stories about motherhood. If you enjoy calming music, view this site with the sound on.)
Family Education: The Price of Motherhood: An Interview With Ann Crittendon (looks like an e-column of sorts containing lots of interesting info and helpful resources for moms)
this woman’s work (blog with the subtitle writing, mothering, writing about mothering)
The Mommy Blog: Adventures from the Wonder-belly of Motherhood (a blog about—you guessed it!—motherhood!)
Netscape: Top Stories With the Tag “Motherhood” (links to stories on other parts of the Net that contain the “motherhood” tag)
Disney Family.Com BETA: Family 1000 blog: Your Favorite Sites for “Motherhood” (just as it says, a listing of sites on “motherhood” with 14 pages of listings/links)
Lauri’s Reflections: contemplations on life, creativity, writing, and motherhood—plus really fun links (a blog about quite a few different facets of the writing mom's life)
Tracy Chevalier: FAQs About Writing (some interesting info and advice here about writing and motherhood)
The Mom Salon: where women find the smartest mom blogs: Writers’ Blogs (a list of blogs by and about writing moms)
readingwritingliving blog: More on Motherhood, Solitude, and Writing (a blog post on these mom-related topics and more--blog no longer being updated, but still contains interesting content)
Maternally Challenged: “They say kids will drive you crazy. But what if you’re already there? Thoughts on motherhood, depression, politics and anything else that comes to mind” (blog for moms, containing a short list of links to other motherhood blogs)
Creative Parents.Com: For Parents Leading Creative Lives: Poet as Mother/Mother as Poet (interviews with “creative parents” pursuing careers in writing--old site, but contains some interesting articles)
Well, there they are! Hope all you writing moms out there will reap many, many benefits from these sites for a long time to come! Check them out; they're quite a varied assortment of resources! If these resources should prove helpful to you over the long term--and you should decide to let me know about it--I'll have the inner satisfaction of knowing that this blog post will be the Mother's Day Gift that keeps on giving all year long! And that will be a great feeling!
Hope it does!
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Comment by katyzzz
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
As you know, creating all those links was quite a feat! I sometimes wonder why I torture myself that way! LOL! But, if these sites benefit even a few writing moms, it will be well worth the time, trouble, and energy expended!
And I am sure that much of the info on writing found here can be adapted to any writer--and not only to moms!
Truly appreciate your visits!
Comment by Wendi
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Time management can be one of life's toughest issues. I struggle with it myself every single day. With more aspirations than I could possibly ever accomplish each day given my current lineup of activities, obligations, and responsibilities, I generally find myself on the losing end of my own tug-of-war with a largely inflexible schedule. I crave flexibility, but unfortunately, it isn't always feasible!
The one nice thing about the above links is that, whenever you find yourself with a few free minutes to check out a site, one click gets you there quickly where you can skim the info, read a bit of this and a bit of that, maybe bookmark the site for later perusing, then stop and save the rest for later.
Hope you'll be able to find some time soon to look at a few of them. There's some great stuff there!
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Wendi
Yup, that's exactly what I've been doing to this point. When you hit survival mode, it can be hard to focus on "dreams". I'm in the process now of thinking of ways to adjust the agenda to make writing more of a career (again) and less of a hobby. But, I'm also trying to find my niche and rediscover my voice, so I'm not even sure yet what it is I want to be writing these days.
Your posts help tremendously.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
It can indeed be hard to find your "niche" in the writing world. There are so many options open to us as freelance writers that it can be very difficult to decide what to focus our creative energies on. That is definitely one of the greatest challenges we face!
But, when those "special" projects come along that are "made to order" for you, I believe that you will know it. I believe, as well, that, if you are patient, if you trust your instincts, and if you relax and allow it to happen naturally, you will soon "rediscover your voice" and draw from deep within yourself all that you need to express.
So glad to be able to help you in whatever ways I can!
Comment by Anonymous
We must have been on the same wavelength.
I posted "Great Places to Hang Out for Mothers Who Write" Really Long Link to celebrate Mother's Day and mothers. As you say they can truly be enjoyed all year round.
Both of us mentioned Writing Thoughts, so I've now discovered your site too.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks so much for the comment, as well as the link to your site! I guess we were on the same wavelength in more ways than one. So glad you decided to visit! I've checked out your site--which looks great--and plan to visit again!
Comment by Yvonne Russell
Be sure to let me know when you change to your own domain name (as per your comment on my post), and I'll add you to my list of Great Places to Hang Out for Mothers Who Write.
I'll definitely be a regular visitor here. You have lots of great info.
All the best
Grow Your Writing Business
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I'm in the process of making the domain change now. Will let you know when the change is complete.
Comment by Lauri
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes!
So glad you're finding this list useful! There's so much here that's of value to writing moms--and other writers, as well. I'm very happy to include your link. I feel that your blog is a wonderful writing resource!
Happy Mothers Day to you!