Write Engaging Headlines: Use the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
August 9th 2007 23:15
Emotional Response and "Selling"
Most of us know that a potential reader, customer, or client's emotional response to whatever we're "selling"--whether it be a pair of shoes, a house, or an opinion--is far more important in making the "sale" than any other component of our presentation. But, did you know that this applies to your articles' headlines, as well?
A Great Tool for Measuring the Emotional Appeal of Your Headlines
While visiting The Copywriting Maven's blog, I came across a wonderful tool that can help bloggers and other writers determine just how likely it is that their article titles and blog post headlines will create the desired emotional response in the potential reader. (Check out Roberta's post at this link: Copywriter's Cool Tool: Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer.)
And please don't underestimate the significance of the word potential in the previous statement, because, as writers, we have all of about 10 seconds to grab the attention of the individuals browsing our content, pique their interest, and convince them to click our link! (Of course, once they do, our content must also be engaging enough to hook them, or they won't stick around long enough to read it.)
All of the above components that entice a reader to check out our content (grabbing their attention, piquing their interest, and convincing them to click our link) must be accomplished by our headline!
The Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer In Action
Enter, the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer, brought to you by Advanced Marketing Institute. I decided to check the Emotional Marketing Value of some of my own blog post titles, past and present, with some fascinating results, which are reproduced below.
After checking the headlines of some of my older posts, (the results of which will be shown later,) I decided to check a few possible headlines for this post.
Results for the First Headline I tried:
Free Headline Analysis Results
Thanks for using Advanced Marketing Institute's Headline Analyzer! You submitted the following headline for Emotional Marketing Value analysis:
"Check the Emotional Marketing Score of Your Headlines"
Your Headline's EMV Score: 25.00%
This score indicates that your headline has a total of 25.00% Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Words. To put that in perspective, the English language contains approximately 20% EMV words.
And for comparison, most professional copywriters' headlines will have 30%-40% EMV Words in their headlines, while the most gifted copywriters will have 50%-75% EMV words in headlines.
A perfect score would be 100%, but that is rare unless your headline is less than five words.
While the overall EMV score for your headline is 25.00%, your headline also has the following predominant emotion classification:
Intellectual Empathetic
We've determined that your headline appeals equally to people's intellectual and empathetic spheres.
Intellectual impact words are best used to attune copy and sales messages aimed at people and businesses involved in the fields of education, law, medicine, research, politics, and similar fields. While not restricted to these groups, by giving presentations which are weighted with Intellectual impact words, your clients and customers will be more positively influenced and you are more likely to attain a more favorable response.
Copy containing empathetic impact words are (sic) best used to attune with people and businesses involved with care-giving. For example, nurses, doctors, and counselors all tend to respond easily and favorably to Empathetic words. Women, and especially mothers, are very strong in their use of Empathetic impact words in the language. While use of Empathetic impact words does not have to be limited to these groups, we've found that by (sic) selecting more words with Empathetic impact delivers desirable conversion responses from those types of market segments.
Results for the Current Headline:
Free Headline Analysis Results
Thanks for using Advanced Marketing Institute's Headline Analyzer! You submitted the following headline for Emotional Marketing Value analysis:
"Write Engaging Headlines Use the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer"
Your Headline's EMV Score: 40.00%
This score indicates that your headline has a total of 40.00% Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Words. To put that in perspective, the English language contains approximately 20% EMV words.
And for comparison, most professional copywriters' headlines will have 30%-40% EMV Words in their headlines, while the most gifted copywriters will have 50%-75% EMV words in headlines.
A perfect score would be 100%, but that is rare unless your headline is less than five words.
While the overall EMV score for your headline is 40.00%, your headline also has the following predominant emotion classification:
Your headline carries words that have a predominantly Spiritual appeal. Words that resonate with Spiritual impact are the smallest number of words in the language. AMI research has found that Spiritual impact words carry the strongest potential for influence and often appeal to people at a very deep emotional level.
Words with Spiritual impact are best used with people and businesses desiring to make an appeal to some aspect of spirituality. This does not mean religion specifically, but any product or service that resonates with “spirituality” oriented markets are (sic) appropriate. The clergy, new age, health food and related markets all respond favorably to sales copy heavy with Spiritual impact content. Women and children also respond strongly to words in the Spiritual sphere. Marketing documents with strong Spiritual impact content can make for the most powerful presentations in the marketplace, but must be used with considerable skill.
Scores & Categories for Some of My Other Headlines:
"Magnetize Your Blog: Always Reply to Comments!": 57.14% - Intellectual
"The Fine Art of Blogging: Rewards that Money Can't Buy": 30.00% - Intellectual
"Why is Poetry So Difficult to Define?": 28.57% - Intellectual Spiritual
"How Much Is Your Blog Worth?": 00.00% - Neutral
Your headline either has no words that invoke emotional impact with people person (sic), or the percentage of such words is so low as to be unlikely to make any emotional impact.
Headlines with little or no emotional words rarely do as well as headlines with stronger emotional content. You can attempt to shorten your headlines, or use different words and analyze the new headline.
"A Salute to My Fellow Writers--With Links!": 28.57% - Spiritual
Improve Your Headlines: Try the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
You've had the opportunity to see the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer in action--or at least you've seen the results of that action. Now, there's just one thing left for you to do: try it yourself! See if it doesn't give you the edge you need to begin writing headlines that will attract more readers through EMV--Emotional Marketing Value!
Happy Emotionalizing!
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