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Writer's Notes - By Jeanne Dininni

WritersNotes.Net: Helping Writers Follow Their Dreams Through Information, Inspiration, and Encouragement!

Google Cleans House: Makes Unprecedented PR Cuts

Much has been written lately about the recent dramatic decrease in the Google page rank of a number of blogs--many of which are quite influential members of the blogosphere which have long enjoyed high PR. There's been a great deal of speculation as to why these blogs have fallen out of favor--or at least have been somewhat devalued--in the estimation of Google; and many believe that they are being penalized for so-called link-selling.

The Heart of the Issue: Is Google Right to Lower Blog PR for Sponsored Posts?

The question of whether Google has in fact lowered the PR of these blogs because of paid posting, and if so, what should be done about it is an incredibly intriguing one; and, were it not so critical to the success of the affected bloggers, it would be a fascinating intellectual exercise to ponder and speculate about the issue. But, I personally would much rather get to the heart of the matter. As I see it, the point isn't whether or not we bloggers need to stop writing sponsored content containing links to the sponsors' websites or begin hiding the fact that we do write such content in order to protect ourselves from the wrath of Google (as many are advising us to do), but whether or not Google is right in the first place to lower a blog's PR for writing sponsored content (if this is indeed the reason for the recent PR penalties).

The Real Question: Does Sponsored Content Equal Link-Selling?

The real question is, "Does sponsored content constitute link-selling?" I would submit to you that it doesn't. Writing ad copy--and being paid to do so--has always been a legitimate and respected way for a writer to earn income; and today it's no different, despite the fact that links have now become a natural part of that ad copy. With the advent of the internet and the resultant necessity for the modern business to develop a web presence, company websites have simply become the norm. It naturally follows, then, that any ad copy written today--whether online or off, whether posted to a website or a blog--would contain a link to the company's website. That's a given. It goes without saying--or at least it should.

My View: Irrelevant, Disembodied Links vs. Relevant Content-Rich Posts That Include Links

In my view, link-selling would be offering to post disembodied links to a website or blog--links which have nothing to do with their surrounding content--at a price-per-link. I do not consider carefully-placed links, which are seamlessly integrated into the body of a well-written review, opinion, or even outright advertisement about a company, website, product, or service, to be paid links. But, of course, that's just my view.

What do you think?

Eagerly awaiting your thoughts,

Note: I should add here that the views expressed above represent my opinion where blogs which have a main purpose other than advertising are concerned. These views do not extend to blogs which have been created for the sole purpose of earning money through advertising, but only to blogs which contain a significant amount of other helpful, quality content which is merely supplemented by sponsored posts.

This is not a sponsored post.

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While browsing the Web today, I happened across a discussion on MetaFilter.Com which questioned the legitimacy of Orble.Com as a blog hosting site. (Why not pop in over there and have a look?)

I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to set the record straight. However, when I attempted to sign up in order to leave my comments on that particular thread, I was informed that, due to the costs involved in keeping up the site, there would be a $5 fee to join.

Now, I am by no means cheap. In fact, most people who know me would say I'm quite the opposite. But, somehow it just didn't seem right to be required to pay for the privilege of simply leaving a comment. I therefore decided to send a message to the administrators of the site, via their "Contact Us" link, instead. In it, I addressed some of the specific points brought up in the discussion (originally posted sometime in March).

I thought it only fair to put in a good word for Orble. After all, I've had a great experience blogging at Orble.Com, and its gotten even better since they've given me my own domain (almost a week ago). I have no idea what will come of it. Perhaps they'll simply ignore me, since I didn't pay the signup fee. Perhaps they'll respond. This is something that only time will tell. But I do know one thing: They'd have a lot more trouble ignoring all of us--don't ya think?

'Nuff said!


Moderated by Jeanne Dininni
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