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WritersNotes.Net: Helping Writers Follow Their Dreams Through Information, Inspiration, and Encouragement!
Relax Those Muscles After a Hard Day's Writing
The writing life can be rewarding. There's no question about it. Yet, it can also be very tiring and--with imminent deadlines often dictating our schedules--more than a little stressful. Those are the times when, after a busy day of writing, blogging, research, or querying, a relaxing soak in the hot tub may be just what the doctor ordered.
Variety, Quality, Availability, & Price = Value
HotTubWorks can help you keep your spa in pristine condition for just such times of rest and relaxation with quality spa covers designed for virtually every make and model spa manufactured today. Offering some of the lowest prices available on the internet, HotTubWorks can provide just the spa cover you need at a price you can afford. This combination of quality, availability, and price makes the company's hot tub covers highly sought-after. If you do a little research, you'll see that hot tub covers such as these will not be found everywhere.
Spa Covers of Superior Quality at
If the above features aren't enough to pique your interest, HotTubWorks also offers one of the most comprehensive hot tub cover warranties in the business. The reason they can do this is because the construction of their spa covers is "second to none," a claim of which the company is rightfully proud.
Not only do all HotTubWorks covers meet ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) safety standards, but they also include a long list of quality features that will keep your spa cover in great shape for years to come, including rugged marine-grade vinyl top, tapered virgin-foam insulation, and exclusive, moisture-lock heat seal, to name just a few. A sturdy, four-layer hinge and super-strength recessed handles top off construction to give you the best spa cover for your money.
Top Notch Sales & Service Support
Add to this HotTubWorks' excellent live phone sales and support service and prompt e-mail response time, and you've found the winning combination that will put your mind, as well as your body, at ease. And to help make your ordering experience even more positive and ensure the seamless integration of your new spa cover into your life, HotTubWorks also provides easy-to-use ordering tools, an instructional video, printable instructions, and a highly detailed FAQ section.
So, why not check out their website today, and see whether their spa covers, as well as their responsive support team, might not be exactly what you've been looking for.
Here's to peace of mind,

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The Holidays Are Upon Us & Coupon Chief Is Here to Help
With Thanksgiving just around the corner and Christmas soon to follow, this is a good time to remind everyone about the wide variety of great gift deals that are available through the Coupon Chief website. Gifts for everyone on your list, as well as your choice of a whole array of gift ideas to round out your own wish list, make Coupon Chief your convenient one-stop gift shop. With all these deals centrally located on the Coupon Chief website, you'll be able to take a minimum of time away from your writing tasks to find the perfect gift for everyone you need to shop for.
Hundreds of Coupon Deals & Scores of Retailers All In One Place
At Coupon Chief, you'll find literally hundreds of coupon deals offered by your favorite retailers--stores like Hallmark, Best Buy, and Target and scores of others, as well--which can help you find the perfect gift for every member of your family and all your friends and business associates.
Some of the Deals You'll Find at Coupon Chief
For the artist on your holiday list, you'll find Blick coupons offering as much as 59% off selected items, such as sable paint brushes, as well as deals on acrylics, drawing pads, easels, and other art supplies (though offers vary and new deals are added daily). This is one that particularly interests me, with its generous discounts, since I have two artists in my family.
And for the avid readers you'll be buying for--not to mention yourself--BooksAMillion coupon codes (as well as BAM's 80%-off Clearance Sale) will help you bring the gift of the written word into the lives of those whose intellectual fulfillment you'd like to contribute to without having to contribute too much of your hard-earned cash to do it. (While you're waiting to write and/or publish your own book, you might as well supply them with other good reading materials in the meantime.)
For the technologically oriented members of your inner circle, CompUSA deals will help you make their season bright when you choose computers, notebooks, flash drives, media players, and more. CompUSA also offers TVs and camcorders, to help you please everyone on your list--whether they enjoy watching movies or making them. Your photo-savvy folks will enjoy unwrapping the deals you've found on digital cameras, too.
Even your pets will benefit when you take advantage of a whole variety of PETsMART deals this Christmas. And if you happen to be a pet owner who is more oriented toward natural pet products, your cat or dog's holiday gifts and goodies can be purchased using Only Natural Pet Store coupons, pleasing both you and your pet at the same time.
Coupon Deals for Everyone on Your Gift List
Whatever gift category you may be looking for, chances are excellent that Coupon Chief will have a coupon deal that will help you bring home not just the gifts but the bargains this Christmas. So, why not check them out; you're bound to find something--and likely just the right something--for everyone on your list.
Happy shopping,

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Earn More or Save More This Christmas?
As we enter a new holiday season, we may be thinking of our need to earn a few extra dollars from our writing to cover the expenses that the holidays inevitably bring. To most of us this means seeking new clients, new opportunities to sell our work to old clients, and perhaps even new ways to market our previously published works. But, while hunting down these new means of bringing in holiday money, we might also want to consider a few simple and relatively painless ways to cut down on holiday expenses and make the money we already have go a little farther.
LED Christmas Lights Save Energy & Last Longer
One way we can do this is by using energy-saving LED Christmas lights in place of last year's incandescents, which use 10 times the electricity of the LED version. Aside from using much less electricity, LED Christmas lights also last about 25 times as long as incandescents: more than 50,000 hours compared to about 2,000 for regular incandescent bulbs. That seems like a pretty impressive difference to me.
One reason these LED bulbs last so long is because of their durable epoxy plastic construction. Unlike regular Christmas light bulbs, LED Christmas lights contain no glass. This makes a big difference in durability, as one might well imagine. Another reason they last so long is that they don't burn out anywhere near as quickly as regular Christmas lights because they don't contain the fragile filament that standard bulbs use, which happens to be the major cause of burned out bulbs.
LED Christmas light bulbs are also far safer than regular Christmas lights, because they don't generate nearly as much heat and actually feel cool to the touch. Because they only hit 1 degree above ambient, or surrounding, temperature, they've been approved by the Home Safety Council and can help you have a merrier, more safety-conscious Christmas.
As if these reasons aren't enough, LED Christmas lights come in three different bulb sizes/shapes: the mini light, the raspberry light, and the strawberry light, each of which fits a different decorating need. All have a textured finish, which adds to their brilliance, and each style comes in one of several individual colors, multi-color, warm white, or crystal white. The appearance of these bulbs is quite attractive, and they look as if they would add an air of festivity to the home during the holidays.
Great Reasons to Switch
There are many great reasons to switch to LED Xmas lights this season. Why in the world would we want to stick with the old-fashioned, outdated Christmas light variety, which is more costly to use, far less efficient, hazardous to our families, and much worse for the environment? Visit the HolidayLEDs website and check out their selection. I think you'll be impressed. And once you've switched to LED Christmas lights, I doubt you'll ever go back to incandescents again.
May your holidays be bright!

This post sponsored by PayPerPost.

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The Holidays: A Fitting Time to Think of Those in Need
As the holidays approach, I would once again like to touch on the topic of just how important a vital mind and lucid thought-processing ability are to any individual's quality of life. We writers know just how critical the ability to think clearly can be to our livelihood, our relationships, and our overall satisfaction with life.
Yet, to those facing Alzheimer's, the prospect of living a fulfilling life is, to a great extent, dependent on the ability of others to understand their condition, learn how best to handle its symptoms and mitigate its negative effects, and know where to go to receive the emotional and practical support they need to be able to continually provide a loving, nurturing environment in which the Alzheimer's patient can not just survive, but thrive.
Alzheimer's Foundation of America: Improving Lives One Patient at a Time
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America is an organization that does a great deal to improve the quality of life of Alzheimer's victims and their families. The people at AFA work hard to provide information and support to all those affected by Alzheimer's--patients, caregivers, family members, and health care professionals. In addition, this non-profit organization is dedicated to finding a cure for this debilitating condition which robs so many of the ability to handle everyday activities that most of us take for granted.
Holiday Gifts that Give the Gift of Support to Alzheimer's Patients
AFA's eStore has the perfect holiday gift for that special someone. Buying your gifts online from AFA this holiday season will help you bring joy to friends and family while at the same time gifting Alzheimer's patients and their families with the critical support they need. All proceeds raised through the AFA eStore benefit the Alzheimer's Association of America and are used to help improve the lives of Alzheimer's patients.
AFA: "Together for Addition to Cure"
While finding a cure for this debilitating disorder is one very important focus of AFA's work, they also realize that care is every bit as important as cure and therefore place equal emphasis on this critical aspect of their work.
Why not visit the AFA eStore for some new gift-giving ideas; and give more than gifts to your friends and family this holiday season--give them the satisfaction of knowing that their gift helped make a difference in someone else's life.
And during this season of generosity in which the spirit of giving is so widespread, why not consider making a contribution to help support the work that AFA is doing to improve the lives of those facing Alzheimer's.

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Your Own Ecommerce Website
If you are a writer who has considered supplementing your current writing income by offering writing-related products on your own website, you might want to look into AQ Host. Perhaps you don't even have a website of your own yet. But, if you've already published--or plan to publish--either print- or e-books, or have thought about carrying a line of books written by other authors on your website--either instead of or in addition to your own--you might just benefit from AQ's cheap ecommerce hosting service, which can set you up on your own domain and provide all the tools you need to be successful at ecommerce.
Blog On Your Own Domain
On the other hand, you might be a blogger who is unhappy blogging at your current site, where perhaps you have neither your own domain nor much of a say over how your blog is managed. Perhaps you're unhappy with some or many of the features of your current blogging platform. AQ offers blog hosting on the MT4 (Movable Type) publishing platform, and their techs can have you up and running on your own domain in just a few hours.
A Variety of Affordable Hosting Packages
Perhaps you've never heard of AQ Host. Personally, I hadn't either. But, on checking out their website, I noticed that they offer small business hosting, through their online store, which includes a number of valuable features at reasonable prices. AQ offers a spectrum of ecommerce and other business hosting packages which provide all the necessary tools to help individual entrepreneurs--including writers and bloggers--as well as businesses of all sizes meet their unique business objectives.
AQ's Free Web/Blog Hosting Features/Services
Whether you're interested in website or blog hosting, AQ Host offers free account setup, with no long term contracts and no hidden fees. They also offer free transfer of your current account from any other cPanel host. Other free web hosting features include email SPAM and virus protection, AWStats and Webalizer web statistics, and daily server backups. For ecommerce web hosting, they offer free installation of Ecommerce software to your web hosting account and free step-by-step Ecommerce video tutorials. Additional free blog hosting services include free installation and initial configuration of Movable Type, free step-by-step Movable Type flash video tutorials, and free Movable Type upgrades whenever they become available.
Additional AQ Features, Services, & Support
Along with their cheap business web hosting service, AQ Host offers Merchant accounts to help their clients process credit card payments, SSL certificates to verify site security, and website shopping carts to facilitate ecommerce. In addition, their 24/7, 365-day-a-year support, which offers some of the fastest ticket response times in the industry, and their helpful advice on setting up and designing your site, should make your experience of setting up your online business a pleasant and efficient one.
AQ--for All Your Business Hosting Needs
In short, AQ Host is a web and blog hosting service that can help you create the business you've always dreamed of or make your current business the success you've always dreamed it could be. AQ Host can handle all your business hosting needs. Check out their site, and find out what they can do for you.
Good luck with your endeavors!

This post sponsored by PayPerPost.
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Heading for the Holidays
With the holidays on the horizon, this is a good time for us to briefly turn our attention away from our latest writing project--since we're long overdue for a break, anyway--and check out a site that can take the hassle out of our holiday gift-giving this year. It can save us both money and time, giving us more of the first precious commodity to spend on the people we care about and more of the second to spend working on our favorite creative pursuit: writing.
One-Stop Gift Shopping
The people at work hard to provide a one-stop coupon deal and discount resource for their website visitors. In fact, Coupon Chief offers literally hundreds of holiday--and everyday--coupons to help stretch your writing dollar and help you get more for your money.
A Few Retailers with Deals to Appeal to Writers
Coupons from online stores such as the ones mentioned below can help you get the best deals on books, stationery, computer and other writing-related materials and products, and a variety of gifts for your family members and friends.
For example, you'll find Barnes & Noble coupon deals that will help you fill your bookshelves with the titles that interest you most. You'll also discover Dell coupons for a wide variety of different products, from computers, software, and accessories, to office furniture and digital cameras. And the Staples coupon codes you'll find on the site will help you upgrade your office--and replenish your writing supplies while you're at it--for the best possible prices.
The Best Deals from a Wide Variety of Stores
Aside from the stores mentioned above, a long and varied list of other retailers offering special coupon deals will make your holiday shopping task a simpler one. You'll be able to take a few minutes out from your writing whenever the mood strikes and find some great deals for yourself and everyone on your holiday shopping list, without even removing your hands from the keyboard. And, for a writer, it doesn't get much better than that.
Happy writing!

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Your Writing Spot: Indoors or Out?
We writers often like the feeling of finding a quiet, peaceful, cozy nook to settle down, journal in hand, and contemplate life's larger questions. We love jotting down our thoughts, as we prepare for the next piece we will ultimately share with the world.
Whether our restful writing spot is indoors or out, whether it's our office or den, our patio, or a grassy place in our backyard, it's important for us to create an atmosphere that inspires our Muse.
Classical, Whimsical, or Chilling?
Online Discount Mart offers a wide variety of home and garden decor, in styles that range from classical to whimsical, decorator products that can bring inspiration to you, both indoors and out. And, if you happen to be planning a horror tale in preparation for Halloween this year, you'll find suitably fright-inducing decorations to help set the mood.
Whatever you may need or want for your home or garden decor, to help put you in the mood to write, you're likely to find it at Online Discount Mart. So, have a look. If nothing else, it's safe to say, you'll have a great time "Window" shopping.
This post sponsored by PayPerPost.
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Smorty, for My Australian Readers--and Everyone Else!
Since I've decided to add some carefully selected sponsored posts to my blog, in the interest of survival for myself and value for my readers, I thought I'd try Smorty, which is an Australian blog advertising site, and which, as such, might tend to offer products and services that my Aussie readers would really be able to relate to. (Of course, I'm sure that Smorty's advertisers' products and services have widespread appeal!)
An Opportunity to Get Paid for Blogging
I'm glad to have this opportunity to get paid for blogging. (After all, I already blog and love it!) This will be just one more way to help insure that I'll be able to continue bringing my readers as many great writing tips, techniques, and resources as possible.
Let's face it; financial realities confront each one of us, every day. Few of us are strangers to the need to earn a living. But, I have no intention of belaboring the point, because I see my new relationship with Smorty as a great thing! I feel it has a lot to offer both me and my readers, and I intend to do my best to choose opportunities that are relevant to you, as writers; though I have to confess that I may occasionally just happen to choose a few that seem intriguing to me--and remember, I, too, am a writer--whether or not they relate to writing directly. (After all, writers have lives, too--outside of writing, that is--though at times it may not always seem that way!)
A Few Words About Smorty
At Smorty, as with most other sites where writers blog for money, advertisers pay bloggers to write opinion posts with links back to the advertiser's site. While this is great for us bloggers, who get paid to blog, it's also obviously beneficial to the businesses that advertise on blogs. This mutual benefit is the basis of every truly successful business transaction--and, for the writer, this includes the sale of our writing in any other venue. After all, this is what free enterprise is all about!
As I see it, if we bloggers pick and choose our advertising opportunities with care, our relationship with Smorty--or with any other blog advertising network--should not only benefit the company, the advertiser, and the blogger, but also the blog's readers, as well.
Here's to the Future--With Smorty and My Readers!
I look forward to a great relationship with the people at Smorty, as well as with their advertisers! And I also look forward to a continuation of the excellent relationship I currently enjoy with my readers and fellow bloggers. You are very important to me, and I promise, you, my readers, that I will not knowingly post inaccurate information or reviews and certainly will not intentionally mislead you about any product, service, or company, for the sake of money.
How About You?
Should you be interested in pursuing your own opportunity to blog for money, I'll be placing my Smorty affiliate badge into my sidebar very soon. If you'd like, you may use it to get more information about how you can get paid to blog at Smorty. (In the meantime, feel free to use the link found in the first paragraph of this post.)
Thanks for your support!
This post sponsored by Smorty.

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The Lucid Mind: A True Gift
As writers, each of us can appreciate, in a particularly vivid way, the blessing of a lucid mind! Clear thought, dependable memory, logical deductive power: each of these is critical to us as we go about our daily activities, giving us the ability to share ideas via the written--or spoken--word. Because of this, we writers are able, perhaps more than most, to understand just how devastating the loss of these abilities can be--and is--to every person who falls victim to Alzheimer's, and to each of their family members, as well.
The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk®: Your Opportunity to Make a Difference
The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk® is America's largest event held to raise awareness about Alzheimer's and funds for Alzheimer's care, support, and research. Held annually since 1989 in hundreds of communities across the U.S., walks are typically 2-3 miles long and take place on a weekend morning in early fall. This year's walk will involve more than 600 communities--communities where volunteers of all ages will gather to champion the cause of Alzheimer's sufferers.
Since its inception, Memory Walk has raised more than $225 million in funds to help in the fight against Alzheimer's, and caring people like you are the ones who have made that happen!
Memory Walk Team Captains Needed Immediately!
Team Captains are needed NOW to assemble, organize, and lead teams of other concerned individuals in preparing for and participating in the Walk. Teams can consist of family members, friends, and/or business associates who are dedicated to helping fight Alzheimer's. As a Team Captain, you can inspire the caring people in your own personal sphere to take action on behalf of a worthwhile cause, becoming true champions of those who face Alzheimer's.
The rewards of taking charge and making this happen in your local area will be great! You'll experience the satisfaction of knowing that you've gone the extra mile--literally!--in the fight to help make Alzheimer's a thing of the past. You'll know that you were the catalyst that brought your entire group's energy, enthusiasm, and compassion together, creating a synergy that would be hard to beat. You'll be respected and admired, not only by those you lead, but by others who learn of your dedication and leadership in such a worthy endeavor. By signing up to become a Team Captain, you can't lose--because you'll know that you're helping those who are contending with Alzheimer's win!
Please Sign Up Early!
The Association recommends that Team Captains sign up as early as possible so they will have sufficient time to recruit their teams and raise funds for the cause. As a Team Captain, you can help make this year's Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk® a success.
To quote the Association, "By teaming up with the Alzheimer's Association, you can walk with a purpose – and move us closer to a world without Alzheimer's. Together, we can MOVE a nation."
Won't that be a wonderful thing?
Thanks for reading,

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A New AdVenture
I recently decided to try PayPerPost, in the hope of picking up a bit of cash for a few things that are always nice to have (i.e., place to live). To me, this seems like a new adventure--even without the pun!
I truly love writing my blog, giving encouragement and inspiration to writers everywhere...providing information and resources to help you grow, stretch, and improve at your craft...finding and sharing potential markets that can help make it possible for you to reap some sort of (well-deserved and fully earned) monetary return for all the hard work, the energy, effort, and thought, the heart, and the soul that you put into your writing.
And, please believe me when I say that I would continue to do so without remuneration, as I have for the past seven months, because I consider it an honor and a privilege to provide you, my readers and fellow-writers, with everything at my disposal that I believe might prove helpful to you.
My Greatest Reward
After all, it is you who have visited my blog--at least once or twice, but in many cases--day after day, week after week, and perhaps month after month. (Why, some of you have even subscribed to my feed--or I should say feeds, since I now have two.) You've read and considered what I've had to say, you've shared your own views via comments, you've used the resources I've provided to help you in the magical vocation that is writing, and perhaps you've even gone so far as to follow some of the advice I've given, as you've pursued your creative passion.
That, in itself, has been my greatest reward. Yet, as I sit here at my computer, typing this post, I can't help but ponder the coming month, with rent to be paid, bills coming due, and groceries to be purchased; and I am reminded that everyone needs to survive. So, as I continue to seek and find various freelance writing opportunities, I remind myself, very practically, that freelancing income isn't always (is it ever?) extremely regular, and therefore, finding ways to supplement that income (at least until my name becomes a household word!) is never a bad idea.
Enter, PayPerPost.
A New, More Productive, Era for Writer's Notes
In my many travels around the Web, I've often seen one or another of the various PayPerPost buttons and badges, which, I must confess, have quite intrigued me. For quite some time, I've considered signing up, yet only recently have I actually gotten around to it.
Well, I'm glad I did. I see this as the beginning of an opportunity to be productive in a new way--to pick and choose the products, companies, and services that I believe would be of value to my readers and to give an honest appraisal of the others, as an added service. I like the idea of doing all this while, at the same time, continuing my longstanding practice of giving you the best writing-related information and resources I am able to provide. And, yes, I will earn a few much-needed dollars in the bargain, but I don't believe very many of you will fault me for that.
A Great New Relationship With the People at PayPerPost
I'm looking forward to a pleasant and mutually beneficial relationship with PayPerPost and its advertisers--one that I expect to be every bit as helpful to my readers, in one way or another. Some of you may even decide to join PayPerPost and try it out for yourselves. I think that could just prove to be a good idea.
While I am still very new to PayPerPost, I've been happy to find that their staff has been very responsive and helpful with issues I've encountered during the signup process. My messages, written to them via their internal message system, have been handled competently and answered quickly and courteously, which has created in me nothing but good will toward the company.
Though no doubt many of you have read my earlier informational piece about PayPerPost, this is actually my first sponsored post for PPP. (If you are considering joining PayPerPost, and you haven't read my other post about them, you may want to check it out. You'll learn many great details about them from that post.)
Just thought I'd share with all of you how and why I came to join PayPerPost, and a little bit of what I've experienced there.
Till next time,

Want to add value to your blog? Why not join PayPerPost and write about products and services that can benefit your readers. It will give them one more reason to visit your blog.
Participating in PayPerPost will drive traffic to your website, in addition to providing exposure for your company by featuring your products and services on a variety of quality blogs.

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