Get Paid to Blog at Smorty
August 28th 2007 01:00
Smorty, for My Australian Readers--and Everyone Else!
Since I've decided to add some carefully selected sponsored posts to my blog, in the interest of survival for myself and value for my readers, I thought I'd try Smorty, which is an Australian blog advertising site, and which, as such, might tend to offer products and services that my Aussie readers would really be able to relate to. (Of course, I'm sure that Smorty's advertisers' products and services have widespread appeal!)
An Opportunity to Get Paid for Blogging
I'm glad to have this opportunity to get paid for blogging. (After all, I already blog and love it!) This will be just one more way to help insure that I'll be able to continue bringing my readers as many great writing tips, techniques, and resources as possible.
Let's face it; financial realities confront each one of us, every day. Few of us are strangers to the need to earn a living. But, I have no intention of belaboring the point, because I see my new relationship with Smorty as a great thing! I feel it has a lot to offer both me and my readers, and I intend to do my best to choose opportunities that are relevant to you, as writers; though I have to confess that I may occasionally just happen to choose a few that seem intriguing to me--and remember, I, too, am a writer--whether or not they relate to writing directly. (After all, writers have lives, too--outside of writing, that is--though at times it may not always seem that way!)
A Few Words About Smorty
At Smorty, as with most other sites where writers blog for money, advertisers pay bloggers to write opinion posts with links back to the advertiser's site. While this is great for us bloggers, who get paid to blog, it's also obviously beneficial to the businesses that advertise on blogs. This mutual benefit is the basis of every truly successful business transaction--and, for the writer, this includes the sale of our writing in any other venue. After all, this is what free enterprise is all about!
As I see it, if we bloggers pick and choose our advertising opportunities with care, our relationship with Smorty--or with any other blog advertising network--should not only benefit the company, the advertiser, and the blogger, but also the blog's readers, as well.
Here's to the Future--With Smorty and My Readers!
I look forward to a great relationship with the people at Smorty, as well as with their advertisers! And I also look forward to a continuation of the excellent relationship I currently enjoy with my readers and fellow bloggers. You are very important to me, and I promise, you, my readers, that I will not knowingly post inaccurate information or reviews and certainly will not intentionally mislead you about any product, service, or company, for the sake of money.
How About You?
Should you be interested in pursuing your own opportunity to blog for money, I'll be placing my Smorty affiliate badge into my sidebar very soon. If you'd like, you may use it to get more information about how you can get paid to blog at Smorty. (In the meantime, feel free to use the link found in the first paragraph of this post.)
Thanks for your support!
This post sponsored by Smorty.

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Comment by AmyHuang
Project Job Search
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Take care!
Comment by Kleonaptra
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Not as far as I know.
Good luck!
Comment by Anonymous
Another thing is, I hate people telling me what to do. The more rules I am bound by, the less inclined I am to do something.
I don't know. It just feels wrong to me, therefore, it is wrong - for me.
Thanks for stopping by RL. I hope you keep coming back
Comment by Fiar
Comment by Anonymous
Comment by Anonymous
Let us know how you do with Smorty. I have done a few Pay Per Post posts on my blog, but there aren't as many opportunities as I thought there might be that really fit with my blog's niche.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I can certainly see where you're coming from and appreciate your input. Sorry about the comment logistics difficulties you had!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Great to see you! It's really something that you're able to blog at work between patients! How many people can do that! And how many people have a brother who blogs just to help make THEIR blogs better! In my book, that takes a pretty dedicated brother!
It's also great that you try to help OTHER people improve their blogs--and I know that's true, because I've experienced it!
Haven't had a chance to visit Wild Bill's blog yet today, but want to get over there soon and check out his post on blogging addiction. Sounds like it will be a good one! 97%--What an obsessive score! (Heard it through the blogvine!)
Thanks for the visit!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I know what you mean! I, too, was hoping there would be more available opportunities! But, for me, there are even fewer, with a Google PR of 0!
Based on the current number of backlinks to my site, though, once the Google Page Rank update happens (any day now, or so I'm told), my new PR should be somewhere around 5, according to the nifty PR predictor tool I just learned about the other day. (I guess I'll find out how accurate the tool is soon!) A PR of 5 should open up more opportunities to me.
In the meantime, Smorty has already approved this post! They also pay weekly, which is a great feature! I think I'm going to enjoy working with them! Will keep you posted on how things go.
Thanks for dropping by to chat!
Comment by Yvonne Russell
I've heard of Smorty but didn't realize it was Australian. As an Aussie, I guess I should give it a go. Thanks for the heads up.
Grow Your Writing Business
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
As I mentioned in my post, one reason I wanted to sign on was because Orble is an Australian blog hosting company, and therefore, many of the bloggers here are Australian, as well . (And no doubt many of their readers are, also.)
I'm having a little trouble getting approved as a Smorty affiliate, though, since my e-mail address doesn't match my blog's domain. PayPerPost didn't have a problem with it, and neither have the other companies I've signed on with as an affiliate; but Smorty contracts that part of their business out to another company, apparently, and they declined my application--despite the fact that the e-mail address I used is the same one I used to sign on with Smorty! Red tape! Isn't it amazing? I wrote back asking them to reconsider, but it's been a couple of days and I haven't heard anything, so it doesn't sound too promising.
Anyway, I'm very new to Smorty, so I haven't had much experience with them yet; but I'm impressed that they approved my first post so quickly and also that they pay weekly (via PayPal).
Thanks for dropping by! It's great to see you!
Comment by AmyHuang
Project Job Search
Travel Debate
Travel String
Love Adventures
Was wondering if you are still with Smorty, I only just signed up with them recently and they don't seem to have great services for bloggers and are not responsive to questions at all.
How are you doing with them?
I've also found others who felt the same thought I'd share with you:
Really Long Link
Let me know!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
To be honest, I recently noticed that Smorty has added a rule stating that bloggers cannot place posts into a Sponsored Posts category, but must, instead, place them into the appropriate category based on content or topic--and for me this means I won't be writing for them any longer, because I always place sponsored posts into my Paid Posts category. (I feel it's only fair to my readers to do this.)
Not that I have a problem placing sponsored posts into another category in addition to the Paid Posts category, but obviously this wouldn't be good enough for Smorty based on this rule; so I guess that signals the end of a fine relationship (one which I've never had a problem with.)
It is true that they do seem a bit less responsive than some of the other services, though I have received personal replies from them when I've addressed issues such as a post which was automatically denied approval because it was the second time I'd written a post on that opp. Since the opp had been in my control panel, I assumed it was OK, but it turned out it had only ended up in my panel due to a temporary glitch in the system.
I've never made much money with Smorty--even before losing my PR 3--so I guess I'll just learn to live with this rule, write for the other services, and not worry about it. (I will admit, though, that I always liked the weekly pay schedule.)
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
P.S. Your link is broken, Amy. I'm going to try to recreate it correctly in my reply if I can successfully find the site you've linked to.
P.S.2 I've read the post in question (though I'm not linking to it because of crude language). It's interesting and does highlight the diffiiculty that bloggers can often have in attempting to communicate with some of the paid posting services.
Thanks for your comment, Amy! It certainly expresses a valid concern among paid bloggers!