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Writer's Notes - By Jeanne Dininni

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OpenOffice.Org: Free Alternatives to Popular Brand Name Software

July 16th 2007 17:00

In my July 14th post, entitled, GCF LearnFree.Org: Free Online Computer Training and More, I included links to OpenOffice.Org's free alternatives to three of today's most popular software applications: MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-Powerpoint.

They were as follows:

~ OpenOffice.Org: Writer (word processing alternative to MS-Word)
~ OpenOffice.Org: Calc (spreadsheet alternative to MS-Excel)
~ OpenOffice.Org: Impress (presentation software alternative to MS-Powerpoint)

In my original post, the above links were provided for reference purposes, since GCF offers tutorials for all three of the corresponding alternative computer applications.

However, I now think it expedient to inform my readers of the other software applications also offered without charge by OpenOffice.Org--applications which have received excellent reviews and which are, truth be told, giving their competitors a run for their money--despite the fact that OpenOffice.Org isn't itself earning any.

The following free software and free software combination package are available for download from OpenOffice.Org, in addition to the three applications mentioned and linked to above. No charge is made for the software at the time of download; neither are any hidden charges foisted upon the unsuspecting user once he or she has become hooked on the program(s).

~ OpenOffice.Org: Draw, a powerful graphics package
~ OpenOffice.Org: Base, a database management program.
~ OpenOffice.Org: Math, an application that creates equations and mathematical formulas for your documents.
~ OpenOffice.Org: Suite, a suite of office applications that make up a complete office package containing the five major applications listed in this post (excluding OpenOffice.Org: Math).

While I have never personally tried any of the OpenOffice.Org computer programs, they appear to be high quality freeware versions of their more-widely known and distributed rival software applications.

If you're looking for computer software that won't break the bank--or, for that matter, even touch it, you might just want to surf on over to OpenOffice.Org and do some comparison shopping.

One thing's certain: The price is right!

Happy "shopping"!

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4 Comments. [ Add A Comment ]

Comment by Cibbuano

July 17th 2007 03:05
I suggest going one step further - get rid of Windows and use Linux. Installing Ubuntu comes with Openoffice for your work, Firefox for the internet, Gaim to chat, sound and movie players.

Comment by Jeanne Dininni

July 17th 2007 06:46
Thanks for the tip, Cibby! Don't personally know very much about such things, so I appreciate your input!

Thanks for stopping by!

Comment by Anonymous

July 17th 2007 21:26
My husband loves Open Office. He swears by it and puts it on every computer we on. However, my clients all use Microsoft Word--so, that is what I use.


Comment by Jeanne Dininni

July 18th 2007 01:25
Hi, Laura!

Thanks for your feedback! I use MS-Word, myself, but thought my readers might like to know about all the free software available at OpenOffice.Org. Glad to hear that your husband is a satisfied "customer"!


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