Writer's Resource Center: Your Headquarters for Writing-Related Information
March 4th 2008 00:59
An Invaluable Resource Clearinghouse for Writers
If you're a writer and you haven't yet visited John Hewitt's Writer's Resource Center, you don't know what you're missing! And if you've been there before but haven't stopped by lately, it's high time you made a return visit! John's blog is a veritable treasure trove of information helpful to writers--both in improving their craft and promoting/marketing their work.
John Does Your Research for You
By scouring the internet for valuable resources--and thereby saving the busy writer an incredible amount of time--John is able to provide writers with links to writing jobs and a plethora of websites and blog posts that offer tools, wisdom, insight, and practical advice on every conceivable aspect of writing and/or blogging.
One example of the huge amount of writing info John gathers into one place for the writer's convenience is his 3/2/08 Sunday Link Love post. Why not stop by, check out the fantastic information he's offered in this post, and then give it a Stumble. (If you're reading this much later than that date, visit John's blog anyway via the main link above to find his most recent resource lists--and don't forget to give them a Stumble to show John how much you appreciate all his hard work!)
A Great Place to Find Writing Jobs
Here's another example of just how much John has to offer his readers: This Week's Writing Jobs. You'll also love the Writer's Resource Center - Job Roll feature, which provides web-based search results for writing jobs, broken down into categories, and accessed via convenient links in John's sidebar. Here's a sample of what you'll find when you click his Freelance Writing link: freelance writer jobs. Other categories include General Writing, Copywriting, Editing, Online/Web, and Proofreading. John also offers writing job lists broken down by state. (To access the links to these and other writing job categories, visit John's main website, linked to in the first paragraph of this post, and click the appropriate link in his sidebar.)
A Site Worth Bookmarking
Whether or not you've ever been to Writer's Resource Center before, do yourself a big favor and take a few minutes to drop by. And why not bookmark the site while you're at it. I'm sure it's a link you'll be using again and again.
Happy resource-gathering!
Did you enjoy this post? Find it helpful? Have any particularly helpful writing resource sites or ideas to share with your fellow writers? We'd love to hear them!
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Comment by Shan Jayaweera
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Cricket Nut
Gold versus Blood
Hey Jeanne,
great site and a wonderful resource for anyone wanting to get into writing as a profession.
speaking of which
when you have a spare moment please take a look at my blogs
Really Long Link
They are the quickest ways of finding the best stuff on YouTube.
let me know what you think
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Glad you think so! It is important to have a place to go for all the info and other resources a writer needs to keep improving and to sell his or her work.
I'll definitely check out your sites!
Thanks for stopping by to comment!
Comment by John Hewitt
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Thanks for providing such a helpful site for writers!
Comment by Laura Spencer
Thanks for taking the time to put this list together. I'll definitely bookmark it. It looks like you've found some winning resources.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
No problem! Happy to help! I'm sure you'll find lots of useful information on the Writer's Resource Center website! It definitely is one to bookmark!
Thanks for the visit!