Around the Blogosphere: Great Advice for Writers
March 2nd 2010 19:50
My apologies for being so silent here lately. Health issues, along with a great deal of writing work, have monopolized my attention lately, preventing me from focusing on brainstorming topics, locating info and resources, and assembling all these into helpful posts. Now and then I'll see a topic that I'd like to share, but a post never seems to materialize. That's why what I'd like to do today is share a few great writing posts that I've come across that can help you in the craft and business of writing. Hopefully, these will arm you with the information, motivation, and practical tools you need to take the next step in your writing career.
Writing Advice from Around the Blogosphere
John Hewitt, at PoeWar, has written a really practical post, called How to Treat Your Writing Like a Business. Check it out. I'm sure you'll find it helpful. In fact, I think you'll also find two of John's other posts particularly helpful to your career: The Realities of a Freelance Writing Career and Six Tips for More Organized Freelancing should get you off to a great start or keep you moving forward toward achieving your writing goals. Of course, I hardly need tell you that you'll find all John's posts immensely helpful to you in your writing. If you've never read them, you'll want to start now!
Other posts I'm sure you'll find helpful are the following:
A Dialog on Blogging Focus, Parts 1, 2, and 3, from Brad Shorr at Word Sell, Inc. Brad also offers a plethora of excellent content that's focused mainly on B2B content creation, business blogging, marketing, and SEO strategies.
Top 25 Books for Writers and Writing-related Topics, from Meryl K. Evans, at Meryl also offers periodic link posts, such as Links: Just Before March Roars 2010 Edition and Links: Happy Sweet 16 2010 Edition, which are always packed with excellent writing resources.
Has Your Fire Fizzled? from Karen Swim at Words for Hire offers inspiration that can help get you back on track if you've strayed from your writing goals lately. Hard But Not Forever will also give you words of encouragement for the difficult times.
10 Things to Start and One Thing to Stop, from Joanna Young at Confident Writing, is short, sweet, and to-the-point and offers some fabulous tips on ways to increase your writing sensitivity, confidence, inspiration, and enjoyment. Joanna will be taking a break from blogging for a time, but you'll find so much great content in her archives that you'll have plenty to keep you busy while she's gone. Here's another brief but helpful post from Joanna: Make a Start by Writing it Down. Joanna has a wonderful way of distilling an idea down to its most basic--and important--elements, providing quick reads that are jam-packed with insight.
More Link Posts to Come
The blogosphere is, of course, rife with wonderful posts on writing, selling your writing, and living the writing life. Yet, I must unfortunately end my list here--for today at least. In the future, I'll do my best to provide links to other helpful blog posts, written by these and other experienced bloggers who have a great deal to offer the aspiring or active writer.
Have you found these posts helpful and/or inspiring? Any one or two that seem particularly pertinent to your situation? Have you read any great writing posts lately? We'd love it if you'd share your thoughts with us!
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Comment by Brad Shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by Lillie Ammann
Good to see you here and hope your health issues are resolved soon and you can squeeze some time in for blogging among your heavy workload.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Comment by Karen Swim
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Appreciate your kind thoughts and congratulations! Yes, my writing is definitely keeping me quite busy these days, while a few health-related mysteries are being worked on--mysteries which I hope will be figured out soon! Still not feeling fabulous, but I'm very glad I'm able to function--and work!
Take care!
Comment by quatro
Secret Writers Business
My Public Comment!
Glad to hear your fine with your health issues.
I find your blog very informative and as usual have bookmarked a couple of links to venture in at a more appropriate time.
Please keep up your good work
much appreciated
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Appreciate the encouragement! It's great to know you find the content helpful!
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment by AmyHuang
Project Job Search
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Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Good to see you! Glad to hear these posts gave you a motivational boost! That's always a good thing!
Thanks for the visit!