Proud to Be a Word Nerd!
August 22nd 2007 01:54
I'm a Word Nerd. Are You?
Brad Shorr, over at Word Sell, Inc., has designed a nifty little badge of honor for all of us bonafide, honest-to-goodness, word-nerd types to proudly display on our blogs to show the world that we are Word Nerds and we aren't ashamed of it!
After all, we writers love words! (Where would we be without them?) So, why not announce it to the world? Brad lists a few of the qualities of Word Nerds in his post, Be a Word Nerd!, inviting anyone who sees him/herself in that description to grab a badge (available in a variety of designer colors) and post it with pride.
Brad also gives all of us Word Nerds the opportunity to test our degree of "word-nerdiness," through one of the four vocabulary tests he periodically offers on his blog, all of which are conveniently listed and linked to in this post: Word Nerds Unite! (though the testing isn't a requirement for downloading and displaying the badge.)
Some Surefire Signs that You Are a Word Nerd
-Whenever you write, your dictionary, thesaurus, and Strunk and White absolutely must be within reach.
-You read the dictionary for pleasure.
-You relish every opportunity to use precise terminology--not primarily to impress people, but rather because it's important to you to convey the exact meaning of your thoughts.
-You're forever correcting people--even (gasp!) in public--when they've use a word incorrectly. (Either that, or you have to bite your tongue to keep yourself from doing so.)
-When people pause while speaking, to think of the word they want--or even to simply catch their breath--you're ready to jump right in and generously provide the term they were (obviously) looking for.
-You can sometimes sit there for literally hours trying to think of just the right word, before your semantic sensibilities will be satisfied enough to let you release a piece of writing to the public eye. (Well, OK, maybe you don't sit there the whole time, but the dilemma is always in the back of your mind, and that piece must absolutely be put on hold until you've solved it!)
Does any of that sound like you? If so, you're a definite candidate for the Word Nerd badge! (You may even have a few Word Nerd activities of your own that I haven't mentioned. If so, please feel free to share them in Comments.)
If you can relate to any of what has been written here, please read the section that follows and consider taking the next logical step.
Word Nerds of the World, Unite!
So, why don't all we Word Nerds of the world--or at least of the internet/blogosphere--unite in joining this elite semantic sister/brotherhood! Let's stand together in defense of the written and spoken word, used with precision and premeditation! (No, it isn't a crime.) Let's join Brad in sharing, with all those we meet in cyberspace--or anyplace--our unquenchable enthusiasm for the sensational subtleties of the well-placed word and well-turned phrase.
Feel free to visit Brad's Word Sell, Inc. blog, at one of the above links, to learn more about the Word Nerd movement, and if you should be so inclined, to offer your support. And while you're there, don't forget to pick up a badge, in your favorite color, and take advantage of this opportunity to show the world that you are indeed a Word Nerd!
From one Word Nerd to another,
Note: I'm unfortunately unable to add the Word Nerd badge to my already overloaded sidebar, which is the only reason why, for the time being, its display will need to be limited to this blog post.
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Comment by Chic Critique
I am, indeed, a word nerd.
PS. I wish I could stop correcting people though - I think I'm losing friends!
Comment by David
It's an interesting concept but I'm not keen on the term and definitely don't like the logo.
The words Nerd and Geek are already too closely associated with computer users (addicts). A distinction needs to be made.
I'd rather use the term WordSmith, and see a WordSmith logo designed of someone hammering a letter into shape over an anvil in a blacksmithery.
In terms of wordy activities? The most common one is to read something and want to completely rewrite it.
David ...
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I know just what you mean! It is SO hard not to say anything when someone uses a word incorrectly! But hopefully it will help you to know that you aren't the only one who has this compulsion!
And, yes...I would say it's safe to assume that Word-a-Day e-mails and nightly crosswords are further "symptoms" of the "syndrome"!
Thanks so much for your input!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I see your point: "WordSmith" certainly has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? And I must say that your idea for a "blacksmith-hammering-letter- on-anvil" logo sounds very classy! I must confess that, like you, I, too, am a bit more partial to classic designs--and, had I, myself, designed the logo, it would have been something more along those lines. (I definitely also see what you mean about the word "nerd" being equated with computer types.)
But Brad does tend to have a humorous streak . (Could you tell?) He writes cartoons--in addition to some excellent (serious) business-related copy! And since this is HIS baby--and also since I doubt he'd want to redesign his logo--I've decided to (good-naturedly) hop on board!
As for the "wordy activity" you mention: I can totally relate! When I read something that someone else has written, very often I feel exactly the same way! Must be my natural "editor" coming out!
Thanks for the feedback!
Comment by David
I'm not knocking Brad. Good on him.
The concept is great but the logo and wording puts me off.
Call me a fashion victim or culture vulture if you like but it's analagous to wearing clothes I'm not comfortable wearing, or buying modern 'art' and hanging it on my walls.
David ...
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I totally understand--and I'm sure Brad would, too. I do have to admit that, had it come down to my actually having to WEAR the mask that's on this logo, I'd have had to bow out gracefully.
Thanks, again, for your thoughts.
Comment by Anonymous
Comment by Louie
Climate Red
Phil's Wellness Tips
great post, thank you
P.S. Checked out the Quizzes and knew 1 paltry word only, in fact if I didn't know that word I would deny that any of those words on the list are actually real words.......and can you use those words anyhow because the average person would have no clue what they mean?....or maybe I am bottom qartile
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Alas, I guess I exaggerated a bit in a few of my remarks in this post. To be perfectly honest, I don't usually read the dictionary for fun, either. (Guess I got a bit carried away on that one!) I'd have to say that the closest I've come to that has been to lose myself in the fascination of comparing the meanings of a few intriguing words.
I certainly agree with you that choosing the right words to convey our exact thoughts beats confining ourselves to three- and four-letter words--and it DEFINITELY beats constant streams of obscenity!
As you say, it really IS a shame that SO many settle for SO little when it comes to self-expression.
Thanks for dropping by to comment!
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Ssshhh! Don't tell anybody, but I don't know most of the words on those tests, either--and I'M still a Word Nerd!
I've never actually taken the tests, but I've looked at a few, and yes, I suspect you're right. Many, if not most, of the words on the tests have definitions that are so obscure that you'd never be able to use them in normal, everyday conversation, because as you say, no one would have the slightest idea what on earth you were talking about!
Of course, it never HURTS to learn new words, which is one great thing about such tests: They give you the opportunity to be exposed to and, in that way, learn the meanings of many of the words you don't currently know.
But, I wouldn't go by the tests in deciding whether or not I'm a Word Nerd, if I were you. Here are a few questions that might help: Do you enjoy reading and using words? Do you like expressing your thoughts through writing or verbalizing? (I find it hard to believe that you'd be writing a blog if you didn't enjoy putting your thoughts into words.) Do you enjoy listening to the words of others?
You are the only one who can decide whether or not you are a real, bonafide Word Nerd. It's no one else's place to make that decision. (As I told BigMike: I don't really read the dictionary for fun, either; so don't put too much stock in the things I mentioned in this post. Some of those things are only done by the most fanatical Word Nerds!)
So, if you'd like to display the Word Nerd badge on your blog, go for it! Brad would be very happy that you did!
Thanks for your input! It's always fun chatting with you!
Comment by brad shorr
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
I think it's very gracious of you to consider creating other design options for the Word Nerd badge as a result of the feedback received at Writer's Notes! And I appreciate that! It demonstrates true responsiveness to the customer/client/public and sets a great example for all the businesspeople (including all the writers) who read your blog!
Thanks, again, Brad! You're the best! (And thanks for linking to my post!)
P.S. I had the feeling you were thinking "IT" when you came up with the Word Nerd concept!
Comment by Anonymous
Fun post.
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Great to meet you! Being an apprentice Word Nerd is a good thing! Even Word Nerds have to start somewhere!
Thanks for your input!
Comment by Loz
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
Welcome to Orble! It's great to meet you! I always love meeting other writers, and this post is turning out to be a really fantastic way of finding them, since we all share an appreciation for words!
I see what you mean about a love for words not being something you would tend to think of as "nerdy." That wouldn't really be my first choice of adjectives to describe it, either. But, I guess Brad (who designed the logo and came up with the whole concept), being in the business sector, has been around computer IT-types a bit more than the rest of us writers have!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you'll come back to chat again soon!
Take care!
Comment by Anonymous
Hope you get your sidebar sorted soon - the picture shouldn't take up too much space - but I'd have to admit that IT isn't really my forte
By the way I was trying to send you an e-mail but couldn't see it anywhere obvious - could you drop me a line at so I can reply back to you?
Thanks and best wishes
Comment by Jeanne Dininni
Writer's Notes
For some reason, I was unable to get the Word Nerd badge to work in my sidebar, so I simply gave up and settled for placing it into this post. My sidebar is a bit overloaded anyway, and it's probably better for me to add as little to it as possible, since I had a real problem with a slow-loading blog not too long ago! I actually had to remove a few things from my sidebar at that time!
About the e-mail address: Unfortunately, Orble doesn't offer me the option of having an e-mail address that's affiliated with my blog's domain (e.g., jeanne at writersnotes dot net.) I really should get an e-mail address to use solely for my blog. I'll have to give that some thought.
Thanks for commenting! As fellow Word Nerds, we can certainly relate!